Thursday, August 6, 2020

My Purpose is to Love and be Loved

my intentions are pure, my thoughts are positive, my passions are empowering, my actions are enlightening and my purpose is to love and be loved.

the holistic benefits of happiness are beautiful and bountiful so today and every day I will make it my purpose to be happy.

on the horizon there is a doorway which when opened leads to a place of serenity where truth resides in harmony with all that is sacred. today I will open that door and make my way home.

I heard my spirit singing which purified my heart which inspired my soul to dance which immersed me in sacred beauty which made me whole, healthy and happy.

love, kindness, caring and compassion are powerful forces which when used as transformative practices make ours a healing journey of divine beauty.

isolation has given me the time to relax, refresh, reflect and rejuvenate. I will emerge from this happier, healthier, awake, aware, inspired and transformed for I have listened and I have learned.

sometimes we so badly to want believe in something that we blind ourselves to the truth. if you met someone who cheated on their spouse over and over would you invite them into your home, if you encountered someone who said hateful racist things would you follow their lead, if you encountered someone who was blatantly homophobic would you join them in their march and if you met a self proclaimed messiah would you drink the Kool aid. what would you do in those situations. I know what I would do. I would do what I have always done and ask myself one simple question - is this a person I want around my wife and son. the answer to that question is what has kept me safe, secure, happy and healthy.

today I will anchor my life in love as I create ripples of kindness that embrace well being and serve the highest greatest good.

I don't have the energy to listen to conspiracy theories, I don't have the patience to follow the ramblings of dictatorial malcontents and I don't have any reason to lead my life according to a media gone mad. what I do have is kindness, compassion and common sense which I patiently listen to every day because they fill me with positive energy.

I have begun the day with a positive outlook which has placed me in a state of gratitude that has inspired me to light the way to a higher happier healthier reality which satisfies the spirit.

I like to sing in harmony with the universe as doing so cleanses the spirit and frees me to be an emissary of light who walks a positive personal path of ascension.

I was bathing in moments of spiritual awakening when my soul illuminated for me visions of light and love that helped me to blossom and flourish.

each time I look within I open different doors to different realities which has led me to different places where different people act differently and that for me has made all the difference in the world.

within the beauty of ones sacred self you will find a generosity of sincerity and a wellspring of wisdom that will raise you to a higher state of consciousness.

mine is a life of thoughtful intelligence and evolutionary spiritualism in which I serve the greater good by being a vessel of inspiration and an agent of change.

a soul awakening life is one of compassionate communication where we walk infinite pathways of inspiration to places of light that nourish us with love.

with loving devotion, basic goodness and a mindful approach to life I seek to bring light to the world through thoughts, words, ideas, intentions, actions and esoteric practices that inspire.

in moments of mindfulness I smile with my heart and I dissolve into sacredness.


MicHEAL Teal 
The Ancient One

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