Walk in the light of love to a place of spontaneous awakening where together we can live from awareness as we discover our true beautiful sacred self.
Bathe with me in the healing waters of compassion and ours will be a path of blessings where joy and happiness flow freely into our hearts.
I find that people embrace who I am when who I am is the person I was born to be.
Touch the heart, embrace the spirit and caress the soul as you love yourself fully and live your life completely.
I was embracing each moment when a moment I wasn't expecting embraced me back which inspired me to embrace things outside of my comfort zone and beyond my boundaries.
fortify your true authentic self by going where freedom flowers for it is there that you will truly blossom into the blessing you are.
My true highest essence stopped by the other day and we talked of how to make real our dreams and desires.
Actions which are heart based are sacred blessings that empower and enrich our lives by giving us the courage to let the beauty of who we are flow out of us into the world.
we are stars in the universe soaring through space on a never ending journey to our true home of higher awareness and spiritual bliss.
It was when I accepted that I was destined to evolve that I transformed into the miracle I was born to be as I ascended to my place in the heavens.
I met with purpose and meaning to discuss life and love and together we came to the conclusion that it was our turn to shine which we did by creating a positive path of our own design.
the clearer the life path the easier it is to discover your true purpose and live an extraordinary life.
I bring the sacred into my life by doing my best to live a joy filled life of truth, honesty, compassion, courage, hope, happiness, peace, freedom, blessings and bliss.
Sing with me a song of love and dance with me to freedom.
MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One
The Ancient One with Heart of Buffalo Journeys with Spirit of White Wolf
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