Friday, January 4, 2019

Love Yourself Today, Tomorrow And Every Day

love yourself today, tomorrow and every day. accept yourself today, tomorrow and every day. nurture yourself today, tomorrow and every day. show yourself the kindness and compassion you show others today, tomorrow and every day. believe in yourself today, tomorrow and every day. be your true sacred self today, tomorrow and every day. love yourself today, tomorrow and every day.

I choose to engage in experiential activities that enrich and enlighten each step of my journey with a flow of pure positive energy that generates moments of bliss.

I make no resolutions. I choose instead to inspire revolutions. I make it my purpose to pursue a revolutionary path of spirit, soul and love in which I help others help themselves help others help me to help myself and others be the best most beautiful version of who they truly are.

my spirit becomes alive with positive energy each time I embrace my unique sacred journey with wholeness and happiness.

my calendar has no months only moments and memories of the love that has been, is now and will be forever.

we are magnificent creations connected to the universe by heart and soul who open gateways to the heavens when we use our pure source energy in loving compassionate ways.

with mindful intention seek to manifest a future in which you deliberately and purposefully enrich, enlighten and embrace every experience with love.

we have within us infinites insights which reveal themselves to us when we use our sacred healing gifts to light the way for ourselves and others.

with eyes of spirit I see your inner beauty and I am able to speak to your heart of dreams, desires, greatness and good intentions.

the simple things in life are celestial events that help us heal. a childs laugh, a friends smile and the warm embrace of a loved one are all blessings of divine inspiration. the celestial things in life are simple things that make us sacred.

change your life for the better by nurturing and fostering the truly miraculous pure positive energy that resides within the heart and soul of your sacred self.

I sometimes like to commune with the spirits for they are messengers of light and love who help me focus on the sacred in ways that nurture my authentic self and inspire within me gratitude and appreciation for the blessings of my life.

my journey is illuminated by intuitive abilities which show me the opportunities, possibilities and realities that are at play in the periphery of my ethereal existence.

I sleep with the darkness of yesterday, the deep spiritual healing of today and the bright beautiful future of tomorrow. This way when I awaken I know where I have been, appreciate where I am and love where I am headed.

I draw inspiration from every drop of blood my heart has shed for it is by embracing the darkness of my truth in a positive way that I facilitate healing and awaken within me the highest good.

I continue to make with the broken parts of my being a mosaic of bruised bloody beauty which shows that even through darkness and depression you can create with your life a work of art.

I find that the quality of my life improves when I step fully into the light with a commitment to love the sacred soul that I am.

I woke up this morning and watched my soul evolve and now I am ready to venture out and share its gifts with the world.

I knew even as a child that the greatest art came from the most broken people and I hoped that one day the world would see me as the masterpiece that I am.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

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