Thursday, January 10, 2019

The higher the path the stronger the spiritual bonds and the greater the happiness.

the higher the path the stronger the spiritual bonds and the greater the happiness.

I had the experience of meeting myself yesterday and was impressed with how far I had come and how much I had overcome.

we prosper profoundly when we share our natural radiance and unique beauty in ways that enrich the soul.

my wife is an academic. we were at the holistic expo in Toronto once and a psychic had a booth in which she displayed a paper stating she had studied metaphysics at a university. my wife asked her which one thinking maybe they had similar backgrounds... the woman was rude and dismissive. I pulled my wife away to talk. she said I don't understand. I said she never went to university she did a workshop on the weekend. she said you can't do that and I told her that I once worked at a call centre and we had a one day orientation in which we received a paper with the word university on I which I threw away. I am not against these things. its just in my day we learned by doing. we learned by experiencing. we learned by talking to elders. we learned by exploring different dogmas and cultures. if you are going to display your credentials make sure they are open, honest and understandable. my heart, soul, spirit, honesty, integrity and authenticity are my credentials.

open doorways into the deepest parts of your inner self and you will discover an abundance of gifts, treasures and blessings that will liberate your mind, body, spirit and soul.

I was talking to my thoughts yesterday and I asked them if they could focus on the more positive aspects of my existence. they said it would be hard but that they would try. yesterday was a good day.

with every act of kindness I heal myself spiritually.

I awoke to the sound of my sacred self singing and was embraced by the true nature of my existence which inspired me to go forth into the world with joy and happiness as my guides.

we are all teachers and healers. I will teach you kindness and you can teach me compassion. I will heal your heart and you can heal my soul. we are all mystics and miracle workers.

it seems that throughout my life every time I am standing on the ledge the universe reaches out and pulls me back thereby letting me know that I am needed, I am worthy and I am loved.

it was when I discovered that a world of opportunities and a universe of possibilities were within my reach that I began a spiritually satisfying journey of evolution and growth.

to touch a persons heart is a magickal healing experience that enriches the lives of both the healer and the healed.

kindness provides me with energetic nourishment which inspires me to engage in compassionate actions that serve the highest and greatest good.

today I choose to empower myself. to show myself the love I deserve. to heal my wounds and soothe my soul. to find beauty in the simplest things. to walk my path in illuminating ways. today I choose me first.

with threads of spirit I weave a coat of compassion which I wear with pride and share with love.

as a person of spirit there are days you must ask yourself am I truly helping this person rise up or are they in fact dragging me down. its nice to think you can save the world but that only works if you can save yourself. sometimes you have to let go lest you drown with them.

I honor the sacred in you. I celebrate your inner beauty. I respect the magnificence of your authentic self. I do these things because your are a being of love and light who is deserving of praise.

I walk my path with a smile on my soul and a song in my heart as I use my unique sacred gifts to help others find their truth and live their dreams.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

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