Thursday, April 30, 2015

Awaken To The Beauty Of Who You Are

open your eyes and heart and you will discover that you not only grow by helping others you also awaken to the beauty of who you are and ascend to your highest self.

aspire to inspire and the lightness of transformation will engulf you that you may help others awaken as you embark on an adventure to positive realms where you live from a place of joy while becoming fully empowered.

illuminate your inner self and you will discover a message of love that inspires infinite compassion that contributes to positive change. within each of us is self healing energy that is truly life changing. shine the light of heaven on your soul and you will discover the beauty of your sacred self.

we are beautiful beings of passion and wholeness. empathic and caring souls who experience deeper joy whenever we are of service to others. spiritual messengers evolving to a greater reality. we are the light and love we are looking for. come home to your truth.

explore the spiritual and you will discover the beauty of your sacred self. explore your sacred self and you will discover the beauty of your spirit. the truth is quite simple you are a beautiful spirit. bless you.

the greatest fulfillment comes from self appreciation for when we love who we are and treat ourself with kindness and compassion we deepen and expand ourself with good intentions and great ideas that make ours a journey of divine inspiration.

consciously create a life of service to others where with every step you become a better person. you are a weaver of wellness and well being whose essence is a gift and greatness is a choice. choose thoughtful solutions and positive intentions as doing so will have a positive impact on your life and the lives of others. you are amazing and as soon as you believe it miracles will come your way.

you are free and alive. a beautiful warrior of spirit. the unfolding glory of your existence embraces the heart in a way that heals and impacts the world in a positive way. you are a messenger of light.

live joyfully. create a playful environment that is uniquely inspiring. cultivate the loving kindness of your true and sacred self. immerse yourself in the transformative benefits of spirit. a richer life is something we give ourselves when we truly love who we are. love joyfully.

a life worth celebrating is one whose mission and passion is to nurture others on their path for that is a life surrounded by beauty whose heart resonates with bliss.

awareness of who you are opens doors to dimensions beyond the imagination for when we truly know and love who we are the universe reveals the beauty and glory of our existence.

we are better able to care for ourself and others when we allow ourselves to grow from experience. we benefit greatly from living mindfully with positive intention as our companion. let us embrace our oneness and love each other as brothers and sisters of light.

you are on an unfolding journey of love moving towards happiness. you are on a caring and compassionate path of truth that leads to a soul nourishing existence. yours is a multi dimensional existence of great meaning and significance. you are special. you are beautiful. you are blessed and you are loved. be who you are.

( by MicHEAL Teal / The Ancient One )

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