Thursday, April 23, 2015

Plant Your Roots Deeply In Spirit

plant your roots deeply in spirit and you will gain clarity in your life. you will see the true beauty of your existence and be empowered. you will become aware of your magnificence and be transformed. plant your roots deeply in the sacred and you will bring joy into your life.

your gifts are needed. your love is needed. your light is needed. you are needed. by sharing the beauty of who you are you achieve the extraordinary. by giving your blessings freely you create miracles. by igniting the spark within others you accomplish the highest good. your gifts are needed. your love is needed. your light is needed. you are needed.

open yourself to love from the universe and angelic assistance for doing so will bring you balance, well being, fullness and wholeness that you may make a greater impact while becoming the happiest and healthiest you.

smile from your heart and let the divine voice within sing out to the world. sharing the wonder of who we are aligns our soul with the stars and guides us to discover new paths as we create a magickal life of remarkable beauty.

extraordinary results come from simple gestures. a smile can change a persons day, a common courtesy can lift a persons spirit and a kind word can heal the soul. never doubt that who you are and what you do are making a difference. you are living a life of great significance. you matter. you have always mattered. bless you.

release your inner beauty for within its glory are gifts of empowerment which if shared will let your spirit sing and facilitate self healing while filling your life with love, light and blessings.

seek a higher truth for within that truth is a profound reality in which you will manifest mystical connections as you experience spirit in a way that inspires a greater and much happier life.

may grace guide your life and compassion be your constant companion as you embrace and embody the beauty of your true and sacred self.

a life richer in love is a life that seeks the light and then uses that light in positive uplifting ways which connect with the self and create mystical experiences of transformational change.

open yourself to the healing energy within and you will experience the soul in a way that allows you to embrace your perfection and lead a more fulfilling life.

express yourself spiritually for it is when our spirit is free that our unique life purpose shines and we can better see the beautiful blessings within our reach and the abundant possibilities within our soul.

celebrate the sacred and you will transform from within. journey beyond yourself and you will discover your greatness. it is the courage to explore our spirit and soul that changes the waters of our earthly existence into the wines of our heavenly destiny.

a greater sense of self will unleash your gentle loving nature and allow all your sacred gifts to surface that you may grow in awareness as you walk a soul centered path of profound light and divine love.

the inner light of the spirit is beautiful and inspiring. immerse yourself in its beauty and yours will be an extraordinary life of sacred exploration where dreams are choices and reality is bliss.

listen to the voices of spirit and they will lead you to enchanted places where you may embrace humanity as you explore the miraculous and ascend to higher levels of awakening and awareness.

the earth and the cosmos are realms of the divine to be trod upon with care, compassion, respect and kindness. walk softly with love as your guide and yours will be a world of delight and extraterrestrial inspiration.

( by MicHEAL Teal / The Ancient One )

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