Thursday, December 17, 2015

A Heart Centered Life Of Great Joy

awareness of the sacred awakens one to their celestial energies and theirs becomes a heart centered life of great joy and uplifting experiences.

you are a vessel for transformation whose life is touched by spirit and by passionately believing in yourself you will experience the divine and make yours a better tomorrow.

to be gentle and loving is to create a meaningful reality that guides you along a pathway to enlightenment.

look deep inside yourself and you will discover a profound sense of awareness which will lead you to your sacred gifts that you may grow spiritually and walk a path of enlightening moments and extraordinary experiences.

understand, accept and appreciate your gifts for it is when we acknowledge and live our greatness that ours becomes a mystical journey where we blossom like a lotus.

live your life at a soul level and you will see your angels clearly. live each moment with spirit as your guide and you will see possibilities with greater clarity. choose to live your truth in ways that uplift and empower and you will see the true glory of your existence.

greater self realization makes us spiritually inspired and guides us beyond this universe to a place of higher vibration where we may experience the true beauty and miracle of who we are.

we are children of the light and by living our light we become a powerful presence able to channel the energies of heaven and change lives for the better.

you are a tremendously special and beautiful soul. by allowing the energy within to flow freely you will naturally become more positive, mindful and happy.

when your thoughts, actions and intentions are focused on manifesting your sacred desires you radiate more love and the heavenly spirits guide you to places of spiritual beauty where you discover the divine.

you are here to serve a purpose and by stepping toward your dreams you enter higher realms of reality which lead to joyful experiences that attract good fortune and create a blissful environment where your love and light may evolve and grow.

yours is an inspiring story filled with enriching messages that when heard by others ignites the power within them that they too may live their destiny in a way that enlightens.

be kind to yourself for you deserve all the joy life has to offer and in the deepest reaches of your sacred heart you know you are born of light and worthy of love.

may yours be a path of sacred intent where you embrace yourself with love and where every moment is an uplifting affirmation of just how beautiful and miraculous you are.

you are an expression of the divine and your smile is a positive affirmation that life is beautiful and so are you.

the more spiritually aware you are the better able you will be to purify your atmosphere and use your soul intelligence to create a blissful state where you make your deepest wishes come true.

( by MicHEAL Teal / The Ancient One )

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