Thursday, December 10, 2015

Embrace Your Soul With Kindness

embrace your soul with kindness. immerse your heart in healing activities. let the lightness of your spirit be a beacon of joy for all. it is by participating in our existence in a way that enriches and enlightens that we create a life rich in purpose and a world rich in love.

clear the way for spirit and make room for profound joy. self love is a transformational tool that inspires positive growth and empowers us to make ours a miraculous life.

explore the wonders of spirit for within spirit are sacred teachings that create amazing possibilities and glorious opportunities which lead us to a place of beauty and bliss where we experience miracles.

the deeper soul inspires spiritual evolution. go within and the vibration of your soul will positively influence you in a way which guides you on a path to becoming an enlightened being.

we are all connected spiritually and by living our lives in a caring loving manner we honor our spirit and celebrate our heavenly existence.

there is a light within us all and when we release that light through words of love we awaken our brilliance and help ourself and others heal from the heart.

we experience pure inspiration when we immerse ourselves in acts of kindness for each and every one of us has a purpose and that purpose is to love.

the soul is perfect. you are the soul. you are perfect. the heart is love. you are the heart. you are love. the spirit is a miracle. you are the spirit. you are a miracle. believe in who you are.

a miraculous awakening is upon us and by aligning with our passions and purpose we will see with clarity that we our jewels of light whose smile stimulates the spirit and whose touch enriches the soul.

walk with me through dimensions and realms of mystical experiences and together we will discover our true selves and live in harmony with the universe.

speak your truth clearly that all may experience your magickal essence for it is when we share our true self that the universe rewards us with great outpourings of love.

live from a higher realm. live with dignity and respect. widen your perspective that you may see your true divine nature and sacred beauty. be the profoundly inspiring and positively beautiful being you are meant to be. love from a higher realm. love with dignity and respect.

search inside yourself and you will discover a wellspring of wisdom which if embraced will help you consciously create a new reality and make yours a beter experience of life.

you are a beautiful work of art whose divine soul brings love to others and whose angelic energy inspires people to see life in a more positive light.

you have a capacity for love that is boundless. open yourself to the infinite possibilities of the beauty within and yours becomes an extraordinary life of mystical experiences where you communicate with angels as you reach a spiritual state of being.

we are beautifully created beings of great insight whose engaging and enchanting essence gives us the ability to impart healing wisdom and when we do so with loving care the universe within opens and we experience the glory of our divine nature and the heaven that is our true self.

( by MicHEAL Teal / The Ancient One )

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