Thursday, May 12, 2016

Blossom into the Beauty of your True and Sacred Self

explore the realms of possibility for it is there you will discover the divine light source that will help you blossom into the beauty of your true and sacred self.

you are a unique individual with extraordinary gifts and by sharing your blessings with others you metaphysically infuse your life and theirs with a love and light that make the spirit and soul sing in joy and celebration.

every moment we are alive is an opportunity to learn and grow. each breath is a chance to use our dynamic spiritual energies and intuitive awareness to change our life and the lives of those around us. rewarding relationships are the result of positive choices and actions. live each moment and each breath with love as your guide.

explore your spirit by tuning into your abilities for you are divinely gifted and born to be of service to humanity.

mine is a voyage of spiritual reflections and loving messages that create for me a personal reality filled with light which leads me to live an empowered life of metaphysical experiences.

journey into the light of your innermost being for it is there that you will discover your true pure beauty which will open you to magickal possibilities that you may better navigate through life.

if you utilize your spiritual senses you will move forward in a way that harmonizes and transforms your life.

we are celestial beings and by supporting and encouraging each other we develop love and happiness as we light the way to a better and more beautiful existence.

make yours a path of service and self realization as this will manifest mystical experiences that connect you with your angels and lead you to the light.

you are a ray of light with natural healing abilities. believe that you are truly an enlightened being and you will see, feel and achieve positive change.

those willing to truly look within will discover beautiful gifts that if believed in and embraced will guide them to safely and joyfully live life more fully thereby becoming whole and happy.

engage life in empowering ways and yours will be a path of far reaching impact that raises vibrational levels and serves the highest good.

holistic and spiritual empowerment comes to those who look beyond this existence and see the divine inspiration of other realities, dimensions, realms and truths.

a divine atmosphere of light both profound and powerful is in the compassionate core of your souls essence and the moment you accept it you will begin to freely give and receive love in a way that positively impacts the world.

beyond your imagination is a place of beauty where you may connect with your angels and raise the consciousness of humanity as you live a most joyous life. meet me there and we will dance in the light of a love true and pure.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

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