Friday, May 20, 2016

You Make A Difference

you make a difference. you change peoples lives for the better. you make a significant contribution to the betterment of humankind. every day with every kind word, positive action and loving smile you create something beautiful that ripples through space and time. never doubt the magnificence of who you are. you make a difference.

give yourself permission to heal your spirit by radiating and illuminating the beauty of your true sacred self as you bring clarity to your life by fostering positive change.

let us journey together along a path of purification through fields of conscious awakening where with compassionate actions we may experience a transformation that will lead us to our highest possible destiny.

life gives us messages of inspiration. every leaf that blows in the wind, every birds that sings in the morning and every child that laughs and plays are signs from sacred mother earth letting us know that if we so choose this is our heaven and this is our home.

create the life you desire. create your own spiritual direction. you are an ethereal artist and life is your canvas. let today be the day you create your masterpiece.

a spiritually grounded life of selfless service is one of multidimensional experiences where the mystical winds blow softly as the heart and soul awaken.

we are an evolving humanity both ethereal and vibrational seeking a higher truth who through positive words and deeds have the ability to create a circle of light and love that can transform our world.

seek to explore and experience spiritual alternatives as the flow of energy from these endeavors will inspire you to make positive choices as you journey into courage.

to have a mindful spirit and a contemplative soul is the foundation needed to build an enlightening and enthusiastic life of esoteric meaning and divine bliss.

making empowering choices is a spiritually stimulating act which leads to simple sacred truths and a life of love.

a healing experience on the planes of existence is a blessing we bestow upon ourselves when we embrace our journey with a more profound sense of awareness.

i have discovered that within each of us is a divine healing energy of encouragement and upliftment which leads to our true purpose the moment we communicate our message with greater self understanding.

listen to the language of the soul and know that by living your sacred self its message will become clear and you will reach deeper levels of awareness that will lead you to your destiny.

awaken and achieve. open yourself to possibilities that guide you along your path. know that with empowering beliefs and a positive attitude great things come. arise and ascend.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

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