Wednesday, June 29, 2016

A Mystical Adventure Of Empowering Experiences

allow your generous and loving spirit to lead you on a mystical adventure of empowering experiences, blessings and miracles.

we are beings of substance who through heartfelt prayer experience deep transformation and vibrations of joy which make our life a celebration of the sacred.

you are a beautifully designed being infused with the divine and when you live with positive intention and purpose you are embraced by the arms of a love most sacred.

every moment is beautiful when you believe in yourself. every moment is unique and soul satisfying when you celebrate your existence. every moment is miraculous when you lead an authentic spiritual life. every moment is yours to shape into what you truly desire for every moment is a blessing waiting for you to embrace your true magnificence.

enhance your personal growth by passionately pursuing all things spiritual and yours will be a happy joyful life.

deep self love creates new levels of transformation which beautifully and poetically change our lives for the better.

you are a beautiful gift for all and when you share that gift you blissfully change your life into an epic spiritual adventure of kindness, compassion and greater wholeness.

your spiritual heritage s a blanket of love and by immersing yourself in the fabric of this reality you touch hearts in highly impactful ways that change lives for the better.

we are blessed with amazing tools that empower and by using them in a way that embraces others with the lightness of our being we move forward in a positive direction to a place of miraculous rewards.

focus entirely on you as you nurture your spiritual gifts for this will help you awaken on many levels making yours a fully expressed life of remarkable experiences.

we achieve a greater sense of contentment when we realize that life is an amazing journey of miraculous experiences and we as masters of our own fate can choose at any moment to make ours a path of transformation and transcendence.

life becomes happier and more fulfilling when we use our highest spiritual expression to enliven the soul and encompass love.

focus on your blessings as this will shine a light on your eternal nature and fill your soul with ancient wisdom that will nourish within you a passion for life.

convey and communicate messages that satisfy the soul for when the soul is satisfied and the heart is pure life becomes a thing of breathtaking beauty to be honored and celebrated.

we are born with precious gifts that inspire mindful change and by opening our heart and soul to these treasures we embrace the light of the divine and find happiness in the moment.

something truly amazing happens when we etherealize our journey as this is a choice that moves us in a positive direction toward things both beautiful and miraculous.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

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