Thursday, June 9, 2016

Sacred Light and Positive Healing Energy

actions that inspire us to love and be loved are gifts we give ourself which create an environment of sacred light and positive healing energy.

focus on the self as this will liberate your life that you may evolve into enlightenment as you share your joy with others.

by seeking to make ours a clear path of spiritual truth and understanding we become a glowing light of love who plants sacred seeds that facilitate positive change.

immerse yourself in your innate sacredness and you will open gateways of growth and loving kindness that lead to a more enlightened way of living.

every day you make extraordinary contributions to the betterment of humankind. every kind act, compassionate word and loving touch create a flow of positive energy that spreads from person to person and soul to soul. every day you change the world.

build a strong foundation of blissful energy and passionate belief by devoting yourself to others as this will bring forth healing and make yours a house of joy and happiness.

listen to your soulful self and embrace your gifts as you are a meaningful and relevant being whose pulse of life inspires love.

we grow and transform when we go beyond our limits for it is out past our comfort zone where we have awakening experiences which guide us to joyful relationships.

transformative practices of spiritual aliveness create a positive flow of sacred energy which embraces the soul and inspires us to live our greatness.

connect more deeply with the treasures within for when we are aware of the energy we have and just how powerful it is we begin to love our life and live our sacred purpose.

when we act beneficially and make the right choices we experience the ethereal and ours becomes a profound journey of healing and wholeness.

walk a path towards self love and you ignite your intuition as you open yourself to the innate sacredness that is your essence. by loving who you are life becomes more rewarding and fulfilling.

you are a beautiful soul whose caring compassionate presence ignites the divinity within both you and those whose lives you touch. it is by sharing your light that you make the experience of life a spiritually beneficial blessing of bliss.

listen to and trust your divine essence and it will lead you to sacred healing experiences which embrace the soul of who you are and inspire you to be the being of light you were born to be.

in celebration of the divine let us connect with ourself and others in ways that cultivate beauty and inspire love.

your spirit loves you and by opening yourself to its embrace life becomes an extraordinary and enlivening journey of sacred beauty that flows like a river through your heart and soul.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

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