Thursday, October 27, 2016

A Journey of Love that is overflowing with Positive Energy

shine a light on your path and you will see with clarity the valuable lessons before you which will lead you on a journey of love that is overflowing with positive energy.

compassionate communication is a soul nourishing act that facilitates well being by profoundly elevating encounters to higher levels of celestial sacredness.

let us all create a new way of living dedicated to love in which we embrace ourselves and others in a manner befitting beings of pure while light.

the heart when opened attracts mystical connections of divine inspiration and shamanic consciousness that enrich and empower while creating a vibrational shift toward blissful living.

step fully into your many blessings and you will be touched by the sacred which will guide you to inspirational places of transformation and transcendence.

soulfully nourishing is the light of awareness within and by opening yourself to its beauty you embrace a new life and yours transforms into an extraordinary magickal journey of spirit.

love yourself completely and you discover something magickal which empowers and motivates you in ways that create a fulfilling life of enriching and enlightening experiences.

compassionate intent can heal our life as this is an act of kindness that embraces the divine light source by taking us to a higher level of being.

passionate purpose and positive destiny are the rewards for living in the light of sacred truth.

within you are blessings of divine healing energy and extraordinary power and by connecting with your soul you embrace this truth and strengthen your spiritual gifts.

if each of us raised our vibration ours would be an awakened world of greater peace where every beautiful being lived in an atmosphere of caring.

focus on yourself for you are a sacred source of well being and by showing yourself the kindness and compassion you deserve you empower yourself as you create positive life transformation.

higher spiritual awareness purifies the energy within which motivates us to live an inspired existence where we embody our true sacred self.

glimpse into the soul my friend and you will discover the treasures that await you for it is by exploring the beauty within that we open powerful realms of light that make ours a life of extraordinary encounters and enlightening experiences.

we are born with a natural empathy for others and by reaching deep within to our divine heart space we release the motivating and energizing beauty of our true self which guides us to live a more meaningful life of kindness and compassion.

open yourself to vibrations from the higher realms as this will create life enhancing experiences that liberate your spiritual being.

we are divine beings of light. beautiful souls of spiritual harmony born to live a life of love.

communicate with the divine as this will inspire you to make empowering choices which will transform your beautiful existence into a magickal pilgrimage of light and love.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

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