Thursday, October 20, 2016

Awareness of our Natural Abilities Enriches the Quality of Life

awareness of our natural abilities enriches the quality of life and empowers us to explore our sacred self in deeper and more profound ways which inspire us to love our spiritual gifts and live our soul purpose.

we create beauty when we walk the labyrinth of life with our divine essence as our guide.

healing hearts and deep inner truths are transformational teachers which if explored and embraced will make ours a life of spiritual enrichment and sacred purpose.

in the spirit of enlightenment let us gather together in a bond of divine love where we may all be embraced by a greater truth and a higher power.

when we smile lovingly we share our light and the essence of who we are offers inspired guidance to all who receive our gift for simple acts of kindness and compassion are blessings which when bestowed upon others create a metaphysical awakening that transforms our world.

gifted and blessed are we who in this eternal dance of life embrace our inner and outer universe with the intention of reaching higher levels of spirit.

you are a vibrationally beautiful being in a mystical magickal universe and the more spiritually aware you are the more likely it is that yours will be a life of harmony, wholeness and rejuvenating healing experiences.

love flows through all beings and by sharing its truth and beauty we create a sacred atmosphere and a higher quality of life.

we are friends. we are friends in light. we are friends in spirit. we are friends in truth. we are friends in beauty. we are friends in greatness. we are friends in love. we are friends.

create your own reality of spiritual self growth by listening to the whispers from the angelic realm and living in a divine state of love.

you are uniquely gifted and by looking into other dimensions and realities you will see your true magnificence and know your soul purpose.

awaken your intuition and reap the benefits of its imaginative and creative essence as this will make yours a spirit driven path of greater personal awareness and sacred enlightenment .

you have a sensitive kind heart and by letting it guide you on your journey you create ripples of joy that energetically align you with your sacred purpose and lead you to a place of divine beauty beyond belief and expectation.

there is beauty in each soul which when shared makes ours a message of love that creates bridges to spirit.

a joyful and fulfilling life is ours when we walk our path with spiritual determination and set our intentions to sacred well being as these positive choices embrace our heart and soul with universal source energy making life all the more miraculous.

there is a joyful truth beyond your comprehension that lives in your heart and when you love and believe in yourself that truth is revealed and you begin to live your divine purpose.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

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