Thursday, May 17, 2018

A Purposeful Spiritual Awakening of Divine Unfolding

even through the darkness I have maintained the sacred truth that I am naturally blessed. it is this realization that has made mine a purposeful spiritual awakening of divine unfolding and soul enrichment that connects me to my aspirations and inspires me to be my best self.

quiet the mind with a thoughtful perspective and transform your intentions with a sacred purpose as this will make yours a spiritual life of beauty embraced by an incredible sense of joy.

fall in love with your life and you will transcend the physical as you connect to the universe and find harmony within.

compassionate integrity makes for a more vital life of enhanced clarity where you see with sacred eyes the gifts and blessings deeply rooted in your journey of spirit.

let go of fear as doing so will free you to follow your spiritual purpose and inspire you to embark on a profound soul journey in which achieve great things as you manifest your destiny.

love is a spiritual practice that embraces the beautiful infinite soul of humanity with revelations of light that shine brightly on the miracle of our ethereal existence.

nourish your spirit with the transformative powers of the soul and you cultivate a happiness that makes yours a world of enchantment and enlightenment.

enlightened are they who embrace their true divine essence and use its radiant revelations to accelerate personal spiritual growth and reach a higher quality of living.

we beautify our lives and transform our souls when we delve deep into the sacred place at the heart of who we are and share its amazing magical powers and energies of love with the universe.

there are mystical landscapes of loving inspiration and life changing treasures which when traversed deepen our awareness and guide us to realms of pure love.

journey toward self acceptance by taking mindful actions that open the heart and soul of humanity to the brilliance and beauty of your true sacred self.

live with the awareness that you are deserving of love and that true happiness is but a thought away.

open yourself to joy. open yourself to peace. open yourself to freedom. open yourself to love. life is a blessing powerful and profound when you open yourself to its beauty and glory.

it is the exploration of new dimensions of being that reveals the light and manifests pure positive change.

grateful is the heart that lives in wholeness for it is a unique gift deeply rooted in spirit that guides us to a luminous place of restoration, rejuvenation and revelation.

by living from the heart we invite more love into our life and experience miracles that make ours a path in harmony with the divine.

explore your ancient sacred roots and anxiety will dissolve as you discover what it truly means to be alive for within your divine beginnings is where pure happiness resides.

beautiful life enhancing messages make their home in the core of your being and when you seek to touch the world with the highest expressions of love that wisdom is released into the universe.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

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