Thursday, May 24, 2018

Unique, Wonderful and Powerfully Positive

unique, wonderful and powerfully positive are those whose aliveness and awareness connect hearts.

mine is a message of hope and a path of good intentions in which I seek to inspire people to embrace their spiritual energy and live their sacred truth.

live your true nature and you engage the world in a way that elevates the soul and connects to the divine.

today I surrender to the sacred and let its love illuminate for me a path to a higher calling.

a divine being is who you really are and by accepting and living this truth you embrace your spiritual energy and your life becomes a blessing of rewarding and joyous experiences.

light up the world with your radiant smile and the universe will light up your life with experiences of enlightenment.

I seek not to experience the life I dream of but instead to create a reality better and more beautiful than anything I could ever dream.

refresh, enhance and replenish the path you are on in deeply profound ways that honor the human spirit and celebrate the joys of life.

we are messengers of truth and if we live that truth in kind and compassionate ways ours will be a world of pure contentment.

embrace the beautiful gift of sacred wonder that you are and the universe will shower you with divine blessings that cleanse and purify the heart and soul.

let your spirit soar along a path of love and the light of creation will guide you to realities beyond this world.

the gentle sweetness of self acceptance stirs within us a greater awareness of our unique gifts which illuminates our spiritual purpose.

listen to the sacred music within as you dance with life and lead with love.

I heard my life calling for balance so I stepped away from the ledge and began to walk a pure positive path of light and love with each step consciously planted on sacred solid ground.

joyously fulfilling is a life in harmony with the universe for it is a blessing that embraces the true self and embodies the sacred.

positive energy flows freely when we light the fire of spirit with grace, glory, kindness and compassion.

create a new reality in harmony with the spirit where you compassionately nurture the true brilliance of your sacred self and yours will be a gentle transformative path of luminous beauty and bliss.

at the centre of each heart there are blessings and miracles which unfold into life when we share our gifts and embrace our true spirit.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

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