Thursday, December 31, 2020

Awaken To Kindness


awaken to kindness, awaken to love, awaken your heart and awaken your soul. life is much better when we are truly awake.

we as spiritual travelers have the ability to with kindness, compassion, honesty and integrity radiate positive energy and change lives for the better.

enjoy being, enjoy living, enjoy loving, be happy now, be thankful now and be grateful now. be what you need to be to enjoy every moment of your life.

I made a promise to myself to enhance the quality of my life by listening to my heart and letting love flow freely. That is a promise I have kept which has not only saved my life but also transformed it into something sacred and beautiful.

beautiful, empowering and inspiring experiences are what have helped me throughout my life to see the truth and rise above my struggles to a sacred place where angels dance and miracles dwell.

we blossom when we learn to connect to what matters as doing so attracts blessings of light born of spirit that fill us with the joy of being.

I was fighting the good fight when I realized that I was always fighting and that it had taken a heavy toll on me, so i stopped fighting and started shaping, creating and manifesting a life of peace, freedom, joy and happiness.

may we have a common purpose and may that purpose be love.

give yourself the gift of you. for you are a gift to the ones you love. your life has great merit and meaning. treat yourself with the same kindness, compassion and love you show others. you deserve the best if life and by believing in and loving yourself you can achieve that and more.

the need by the media to beat us down with the negative is unacceptable. its alright to share news that is unpleasant but it is not alright to share only that. it is not alright to use the news as platform to push your own agenda. what ever happened to being impartial. you can tell me about people who are dying but also tell me about those who are living. it makes it hard to be happy when the press and the politicians are not only selling sadness they are promoting it. their ratings are good but their intentions are not. I think today I will turn off the news and I will read a good book, listen to some beautiful music, dance in the sunlight and free my spirit.

my prayer is one of illumination that shines a light on a bountiful life of creative exploration, positive perspective, deeper purpose and abundant love.

I like to plant seeds of pure love and great joy for by doing so I make mine a garden of goodness that embraces fully the miracle of life.

use your angelic gifts and spiritual abilities to empower your life, deepen your love, elevate your existence and become truly happy.

when I hurt I help others, when I fall I lift people up, when I feel lost I connect with people looking for the way home, when I am betrayed I make it a point to be compassionate, when all seems hopeless I become more courageous and when death is at my doorstep I send them away and invite life in. it has been my reaction to the challenges of this world that has kept me alive and given me the strength to manifest a life I love.

I like to go where goodness dwells and bathe in the waters of a reality so pure that it cleanses my heart, soul and spirit.

approach each day with deep love and respect for myself, my family, my friends, the beauty of the earth and the glory of the heavens.

I like to listen to my inner voice for doing so helps me to blossom into awareness as I connect with my spirituality.

I hear throughout my days the whispers of celestial guides sharing freely messages of hope and inspiration which have helped me during times of struggle to enjoy the here and now.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

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