Friday, November 23, 2012

A Message of Kindness

A Message of Kindness and Compassion will reveal Life's Possibilities and Create a State of Balance which will Expand your Horizons and give your life Greater Purpose.

I see your Face in the Night and my Heart soars with the Angels as it Dances on Moonbeams.

By Listening to your Guides and Angels you can Live a Life that makes a Unique Imprint on the World for it is when we Hear from Spirit that we Embody Pure Love.

The Ability to Love is a Gift that when Appreciated can Light the Way to a World of Compassion and Understanding where every Moment is a Life Enriching Experience.

Helping others on their Path will Bathe you in Positive Energy and Open your Soul to an Infinite Universe of Transformational Possibilities.

Look Skyward for Heaven awaits the Pure of Heart as they are the ones who put a Smile on the Face of God.

Nourished and Nurtured are We who approach Life as a Great Spiritual Adventure for We are the Visionaries who will lead the World out of the Darkness and into the Light. We are the Vibration of Love in an Infinite Universe. We are a Wave of Cosmic Energy in a Sacred Circle of Esoteric Experience and Ethereal Consciousness. We walk in Beauty toward the Horizon of Bliss that we may Hear the Angels Sing. We are the God and Goddess we have been searching for. We are the Message and the Miracle.

This is an Era of Revelation and Revolution. Rise up and Raise your Voice that All may Hear your call for Peace, Freedom and Love.

The Breath of Life is Beautiful and Divine for it is Natural and from it comes the Strength and Courage we need to Transcend the Trials of our Earthly Existence and Ascend to our Place in the Heavens.

Within the Beauty of your Dreams is a Message of Joy waiting for you to Realize your Spiritual Purpose and Gift the World with your Love.

Invite your Soul to Dance in Celebration of the Glory of Life. Invite your Spirit to Awaken the Heart of Humanity and be part of something Greater. Invite yourself to Believe in the Love that is your Essence. The Time has come and the Moment is now to Send out Invitations.

It is when we Gather in Harmony to Live a Life of Universal Love and Oneness that we will Birth a new Consciousness which sends Waves of Wellness to the Heart of Humanity.

We are Nature. We are as Beautiful as any Flower. We are as Majestic as any Tree. We are Nature.

I am an Inspired Creation connected with the Light and Blessed with the ability to Awaken the Angel within that I may Help others spread their Wings and Fly.

To be a Visionary Messenger we must first have a Positive Vision. We can with our Thoughts create a Life to be Proud of and a World worth Celebrating.

A Sense of Joy and Purpose will Connect you to your Natural Self and Guide you to Experience the Miracle and Magick of life's Magnificence.

Live your Personal Truth. Live an Awakened Life of Positive Growth. Embody your Innate Wisdom and Infinite Being as you Live your Divinity. You are Worthy. You are Beautiful. You are a Miracle and You are Loved.

Walk a Path of Positive Life Choices and you will Experience Joy in each Moment. We have within us the Ability to Choose the Life we want. Make Better Choices and You Manifest a Better Life. Live your Unique Soul Purpose by making the Choice to Transform and Transcend.

( by MicHEAL Teal / The Ancient One )

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