Friday, November 9, 2012

In Fields of Light

Wonderful are the Possibilities that Befall those whose Spiritual Journey is Bursting with Love for they are the Mystics who Live in Hope and Connect to the Oneness of Existence.

Dancing the Divine is a Source of Sheer Bliss that Celebrates the Spirit of Life and Inspires Rainbow Gatherings where Joyful Souls Share Positive Vibrations.

A Whisper in Silent Blessing will Positively Impact the World in ways Profound that Transform, for Heaven hears Sincerity and Integrity first.

I walk upon the Earth in Fields of Light and Plant Kisses of Celestial Beauty from which grow Gardens of Love that Infuse the Planet with Hope and Happiness.

On my Journey to Inspire others I have Immersed myself in the Deep Waters of Pure Harmony and emerged Divinely Aware and able to make ones Soul Blossom.

Radiant and Radical are We who Vibrate in Oneness with the Universe for We are Sunlight's Smile and the Fabric of Humanity.

Kind Hearted and Open Minded are they who Seek to bring Joy to every Being and Love to every Soul.

In every World, In every Galaxy and In every Universe there is a Love that Ascends, Transcends and Transforms for Love is the Breath of God that Lights the Heavens and Heaven is the Breath of Life that Lights the Soul.

Light the Sacred Fire within and Live an Exquisite Life of Transformation with the Knowledge that You are the Greatest Miracle in the Universe.

Let Love Light your Soul with Positive Energy and Open a Doorway to your Heart that all may Experience the Beauty of your Essence and Core of your Being.

I am of the Earth and Nature is my Essence. Sit with me under the Tree of Life where we will Dine on Fruits of Spirit that Nourish the Soul and Connect us to our Blessed and Divine Mother.

Dreams come True for those whose Reality is filled with Visions that Connect with the Sacred and Actions which offer something Extraordinary and Enlightening.

When we Walk a Path toward Wholeness we Connect to the Divine as we Light our World with Inspired Poetry and Profound Spirituality.

Walk before the Mountain of God with a Heart filled with Inspiration and Loving Kindness and your Reward will be a Life which Flows Freely along a River of Beauty, Light and Love.

Creative Thoughts and Sacred Moments open Doorways to Liberation and profound Feelings of Love.

When I was a Child I had a Dream that I rode my Polar Bear into the Sky and we traveled through Beautiful Portals of Light where Angels Danced.

Belief in yourself is the Highest Appreciation one can show the Heavens for it is when we become who we are Destined to be that the Gates open and the Angels sing.

( by MicHEAL Teal / The Ancient One )

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