Friday, November 30, 2012

Born of Love and Destined to Serve

The most Glorious Souls are those who Spread Positivity and Share Kindness for they are Messengers of God who are Born of Love and Destined to Serve the Greatest Good.

Blessed with Gifts of Light are they who allow the Gentle Winds of Kindness to guide them to Love.

Laugh through the Darkness and Immerse yourself completely in Places where Angels Dwell for no matter your struggle You are Sacred and you bring Light to the World.

Mine is a Sympathetic Joy wrapped in Rainbows and Shared with One and All.

The Fire of Tenderness and the Sacred Flame of Kindness are Born of a Love and Passion that is True.

When in the Sweet Embrace of True Love we Float on Tidings of Beauty and Blessings of Bliss to the Church of Higher Vibration on the Mountain of Heavenly Happiness.

Enlightened Souls speak with the Voice of Courage for they are the Messengers of Peace on Earth who Strive for what is Right by Shining a Sacred Light upon the Path of Divine Beingness.

In these Times of Healing and Transformation the Greatest Medicine is to Love and be Loved. Sweet is the Flower watered with Love for it Grows in an Enchanted Place of Light.

Taste the Sweetness of the Universal Sacred Love that is all around by letting yours be a Life of Joy and Generosity where both Essence and Identity are Gifts of Light.

The Glorious Glow of Experience is the Light which Illuminates the Divine Love within and makes every day a day of Beauty and Blessedness.

Live and Love in the Moment for every day is a Beautiful New Day in which to Share the Sweet Perfume of Life.

Share the Lightness of your Being and Loveliness of your Soul. Expand your Horizons and Enhance your Essence dedicating your Thoughts to becoming Who You Are and Who You Are meant to Be. It is when we find the True Self that we Transform. Live each and every Breath as a Flowing Affirmation of Love and yours will Be a Life that Serves the Highest Good and walks Hand in Hand with God and Goddess.

One of the Greatest Gifts of Spirit is the Opportunity to Walk a Mystical Path for it is on this Path that we Discover that Life is but a Dream within a Dream and that We are the Masters of our Dreams.

I see in You a Future of Love and Light where your Greatness is Appreciated, your Beauty Acknowledged and your Wisdom Accepted. I see your Divinity and I am Inspired.

Live your Dreams and Dream a Life where everything has Spirit. Thoughts are Tools from which we build Realities. Build a House of Happiness where people of the Highest Good and Purpose come together to Share Ideas and Transform the World.

Create a new World of Joy and Prophetic Aspirations by Awakening to your Enlightened Essence and using your Sacred Healing Light as a tool for Transformation.

Destined for Greatness are thy who Live with a Peaceful Heart and Love with a Soul that is One with God.

Upon a Greater Horizon you will find a Land of Love where people Experience Joy every day. It is there We will build our Paradise. It is there We will Transcend our Earthly struggles. It is there We will know the true Beauty of Love. Upon a Greater Horizon you will find me and We will Celebrate our new Existence.

( by MicHEAL Teal / The Ancient One )

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