Thursday, May 30, 2019

The Inspiring Healing Beauty Of Who You Truly Are

love yourself first and then in a caring compassionate way let your light shine that all may experience the inspiring healing beauty of who you truly are.

when I was at my lowest in life I still wished the highest good for all because through the darkness i saw glimpses of hope that replenished my spirit.

remember when you could have a conversation without somebody taking it the wrong way. remember when you could smile at a stranger without them thinking you are up to something no good. remember when you could be friends with the opposite sex without them being wary of your intentions. remember when we all weren't bat shit crazy.

a life of authenticity in which we positively pursue our passions is a uniquely amazing gift we give ourselves that brings light to the world.

as beings of light we are born with many sacred gifts and through acts of kindness and compassion we unearth those blessings which creates a flow of energy that fills our lives with extraordinary enlightening experiences.

a loving environment and an openhearted community are the seeds from which a better brilliant and more beautiful world will grow.

my personal spiritual direction is one of light and love that leads to higher dimensions which foster positive change and divine wellness.

I have a black and blueprint of my life and if you study it closely you will see I have made my way from the darkness of hell to the light of the heavens which I now call home.

one day my heart awakened my spirit and together they inspired me to create the life I desired which led me to greater happiness.

a heart at peace is better able to help us navigate our lifes journey by guiding us through gateways of light to places of glory where we may grow more alive as we do what feels good for the soul.

satisfying loving relationships enhance the quality of life by filling our days with pleasures sacred and profound.

empathy and intentional awareness have the ability to transform both our life and the lives of others.

I will light this day with love by making it my purpose to create for myself a kinder world in which my thoughts and intentions become healing actions that guide me toward transformation and transcendence.

a mystical pathway of discovery and transformation is revealed to those who through light and love seek to be their greatest self and live their highest truth.

I was warming myself by my inner fire when the voice of spirit spoke to me of ancient sacred ways which inspired me to explore my past, experience fully my present and create a future of my own making in which I lived my dreams.

clarity of direction manifests meaningful experiences which make us feel empowered and guide us to a lighter happier life.

when I am kind and compassionate I have healing experiences that nurture my soul and positively shape my future.

take the chip off your shoulder. stop being upset by every pronoun. remember that a jokes a joke and not a condemnation. pull the cork out of your ass and let some air get to your brain. people today get upset with every little thing and there are days when its just too much. there are enough big things to upset us like poverty, racism, homophobia, violence, abuse ... stop attacking people when they use the wrong pronoun or use a term that was the term used by society when they were young. instead say I prefer... excuse me ma'am - its not ma'am its they - excuse me they... its that simple. I know its hard to believe sometimes but there are decent people out there. I know there are.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

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