Thursday, September 12, 2019

You are a Being of Love so on this and every day simply Be Who You Are

you are a being of love so on this and every day simply be who you are.

I was talking to acceptance about living in awareness when we were awakened by the beauty of assistance and the truth of acknowledgement.

light the way ahead for others by lighting first the way ahead for yourself because we are better able to help others when we take the time to truly help ourselves.

my divine purpose and my sacred calling showed up at my doorstep this morning with gifts of possibilities and opportunities. my job is to simply open, explore and take full advantage of them.

I have people come to me all the time asking why things are not working out even when they have done the right things, said the right things... I then ask them simply to describe themselves which they cannot answer easily. they seldom say I am a great person. I am wonderful or I am glorious. instead they say things like I guess I am okay. people seem to think I am special... they have this need to qualify anything they say about themselves that is remotely good. this uncertainty is in many ways harmful. without even knowing it they are raising walls instead of building bridges. look in the mirror and say I am great, I am wonderful and I am glorious. respect yourself, accept yourself, believe in yourself and love yourself. be unapologetically who you are.

those days when my life is filled with epiphanies are the days in which I journey to the heavens and then return home with a basket full of blessings to sprinkle along my path.

wondrous are the possibilities that embrace us when we rise above our misfortunes and reach into the heavens of our destiny.

there is a sacred chest of treasure within each of us which when opened fills our lives with healing wisdom, compassionate awareness, pure consciousness and the freedom to be who we truly are.

I am divinely broken and from the shards of my shattered existence I have created a mosaic of moments, manifestations and miracles that make my life a masterpiece.

I went to the bank of life yesterday and transferred energy from my savings account into my soul account, deposited light into my spirit account and invested love into my heart account. wealthy are we who secure our future with those things that are sacred.

I was explaining to my imperfections one day that they were not faults or weaknesses but were instead parts of my essence that make me authentic, unique and special.

you need not seek inspiration for you are an inspired creation who therefore has the ability to inspire yourself by living your truth and transforming your dreams into realities.

in my life whenever I have been chastised for being me I have responded by defiantly expressing my true natural self without apology for I am who I am and need not your acceptance or approval.

embrace the miracle of your true natural self and you will discover incredible gifts that touch the heart and inspire you to build a foundation of praise, gratitude and love.

I am happy with myself when I engage in compassionate actions that ignite within me the flame of spirit thereby warming my heart and elevating my soul.

every time I return to someplace I have never been before and once again experience things that have never happen before I am reminded that we have all been here before and will return yet again.

I know I was born to shine for the light of the universe is within me and my true spiritual nature is calling me to share it.

seize the moment but don't squeeze too hard. give it the freedom to flow and the room to leave an imprint of love.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

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