Thursday, June 11, 2020

Beautiful Messages of Hope which Raise us Happily into the Heavens

within us is a higher source of epic grandeur whose divine light speaks to us words that illuminate our life with extraordinarily beautiful messages of hope which raise us happily into the heavens.

you are truly something special. you are truly someone beautiful. you are truly something and someone spiritual. live your truth. love your truth.

for those of us who suffer from depression and other mental health issues this time of isolation can be devastating and debilitating. I have survived by changing the way I think, conversing with spirit and connecting fully to the heart.

the more spiritually awake we are the better equipped we are to help improve the world we live in.

I have revelatory dreams in which I am sailing on oceans of healing spirit delivering kindness and compassion to all those in need of a hug from the heavens.

we profoundly connect with spirit and awaken to a greater reality when with gentle sweetness we align with inspiration.

with unostentatious guidance from angels and ancients I have been able to achieve inner well being which in significantly spiritual ways has changed my life for the better.

I have sought throughout my life to forge a unique path of contemplative prayer, shamanic immersion, soulful experiences, good intentions, holistic learning and sacred beauty. I have succeeded.

when I am down I rise up by going to a place of rebirthing where opportunities for healing flow freely.

with inspired curiosity I touch the mystical and am blissed out by its deeply transformative beauty which weaves together wondrous moments that are pure heaven.

a generous heart and a kind good natured spirit have made mine a path of deeply moving sacred experiences that sew kisses into every aspect of my life.

make the most of your days. organize your intentions, embrace higher realities, open your heart, bring healing to the spirit and birth into being the love that is your destiny.

today I have chosen positive spiritual development as my pathway and profound soulful inspiration as my purpose.

this time of struggle has given me a new awareness that has helped me better understand the truth of the world we live in which in turn has provided me with rich authentic profoundly life changing experiences of incredible beauty.

grounded in compassion and imbued with inspiration I I walk positive pathways of contemplation and revelation toward infinite bliss.

rare and wondrous are those inspiring interactions that fill us with hope and move us to care more passionately for others with the knowledge that every soul has worth.

give yourself permission to smile beyond this world so that angels, ancestors and ancients may see the light of your creation and true glory of who you are.

be kind to yourself by embracing your worthiness and using your divine loving energies to nurture and nourish those blessed aspects of your existence that make you a beautiful being of light.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

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