Thursday, June 25, 2020

Nourish the Spirit with Self Healing Forces and Sacred Healing Energy

greater wellness comes my way when I nourish the spirit with self healing forces and sacred healing energy.

on my agenda for today: transformative practices, soul enriching experiences, sacred self discovery, empowered choices, profound lessons, poetic exploration, inspired happiness, divine contentment, messages of hope, greater harmony, positive change, pure honest love and beautiful blessings for all.

an awakened life for me is one in which I seize every moment with the intention of walking in the light toward a life I love which loves me back.

be what matters. do what matters. live what matters. love what matters. we all matter.

I like to take mindful walks with my higher soul self in which I cultivate connectedness, facilitate multidimensional well being and engage in transformative practices.

I was sailing on oceans of light while talking to my authentic sacred self when a wave of spiritual realization embraced me with meaning, passion and purpose.

I will make this day one of pure, positive, pristine and profoundly beautiful interactions that enlighten and empower while supporting spiritual growth.

I find that when I practice gratitude I align with my highest good and the light of spirit embraces me with life transforming gifts of love.

just a word of advice to anybody reading anything out there. instead of interpreting what people say, instead of deciding what they mean, instead of changing what they mean to suit your own ideals... just ask them what they mean and if you don't like it or approve then move on to somebody that better suits your sensibilities. this is much better than filling the world with negativity. I choose to respond to things I don't like by sharing things I do like. its a lot less stressful. have a beautiful day.

I shall on this day make my way to a place where beauty happens in which with the heart of an angel I will expand my perception as I foster a new reality that will help me to heal spiritually.

harmony growth and healthy spirituality are just a few of all the positive things that I sprinkle throughout my day in the hope that it will touch the heart and soul of others.

with divine awareness awaken to your calling for yours is a unique existence meant to be shared lovingly with the world.

I seek not to create new boundaries but to open new doors to different worlds that honestly communicate to me messages of hope that inspire miracles.

I navigate difficult times with kindness as my compass and common sense as my companion.

mine is a beautifully produced path of honest communication and otherworldly bliss in which I live from spirit.

absorbed by the art of love I set out on a journey of esoteric exploration in which a world of wonders fills my heart and soul with important lessons that help me awaken and ascend.

with persistence courage, sacred support and the optimism of self confidence I make good positive choices that water my garden with graceful power and glorious passion.

put myself first for a change, communicate with compassion, shine my light, share my love and bring good into the world - these are just some of the things on todays agenda.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

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