Thursday, October 21, 2021

Love, Light, Bliss and Blessings.


today with infinite loving awareness I will look beyond the media, past the ignorance and into those simple sacred things that lift my heart and soul to new heights of love, light, bliss and blessings.

the better we understand the world around us the greater our ability to overcome the obstacles placed in our way and move forward into a brighter better future.

you design your destiny, you create your blessings, you decide which path you take, you manifest miracles and you build your life. these are things you can do for you are in charge and your life goes according to the choices you make. you can do this. i believe in you.

live your spirituality by immersing yourself in the beauty of who you are and the blessings that surround you.

touch the earth with your heart and yours will be a clear and focused life of deeper meaning that is richly blessed by goodness, greatness and happiness.

I consulted the oracle within and was told to follow the light emanating from my soul to those people and places which embrace me and love me for who I truly am.

I will be me, you be you and together we will be beings of light who live a joyful life of positive intentions, actions and choices which fully and freely open us to love.

every morning when I awake I am kissed by the heavens for I am alive, I am happy and I am home where I am free to be me.

kindness is a simple blessing when shared that embraces us with life and love affirming energy.the evolution of consciousness increases exponentially when we free our mind for when the mind is free it is open more fully to kindness, compassion, transformation, happiness, bliss, blessings and love...

the more you take responsibility for your own the life the more likely you are to experience wholeness, happiness and well being.

we grow inwards, outwards and upwards by loving our life and loving who we are.

I realized one morning that I was in charge of my future and charged forward into a brand new day of passion, purpose and possibilities.

I was looking for something greater when I saw my reflection in a window downtown and was reminded of how far I have come and how blessed I am. I went home and was greeted by the greatest gifts in the universe my wife and son. I no longer look for greatness for it is with me every day in my heart and in my home.

with threads of spirit I have woven for myself a blanket of blessings which keep me safe, secure and warm while inspiring my dreams and embracing my days in loving nurturing ways.

the flow of creation within makes me feel happy and connects me to heart based truths that help me to be of better service to myself and others.

every life is extraordinary, every life is a miracle, every life is a blessing and if we listen closely we can hear our heart beating a sacred rhythm and our soul dancing in celebration of who we truly are.

a simple smile that is sincere and shared with kindness and compassion is a spiritually empowering blessing which helps us to live and love with an open heart.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

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