Friday, August 17, 2012

Born of the Highest Good

Live your Dreams with the Knowledge that you have within your Imagination God's Paint Brush. With it you can Paint anything you Desire. You can Paint a Portrait of Love and Harmony. You can Paint a Picture of Peace and Serenity. You can Paint your Dreams into Reality. Awaken the Artist in You and Create.

Your Spirit was Born of the Highest Good and Purpose. You are meant to Experience Love, Light and Laughter on your Journey. Greet this and every day with a Smile for You are Amazing and anything is Possible.

Within your Face i see a Tapestry of Life that tells the Story of the Evolution of Humanity.

With Courage and Generosity i have built within my Heart a Sacred Temple where I cultivate Mindfulness as i send out Loving Thoughts to the Universe.

Live a Balanced Life that Uplifts the Spirit and Elevates the Lives of those around you. Share your Gifts in a way that Transforms the World one Soul at a Time. All Spiritual Worlds Connect and we of Diverse Paths are but Books in the Library of the Soul. Share your Gifts and make every moment an Enriching and Enlivening Experience. It is when we Live our Greatness that we Manifest a Life of Love. Be the Miracle you were Born to Be.

Dedicate yourself to the Welfare of Others and you Raise the Planetary Vibration. Take a Compassionate Approach to everything you do and All of life Transforms. Appreciate your Extraordinary Gifts and Explore new Possibilities. You are Natural and Beautiful. By Living this Truth you Serve all Humanity and Invite Happiness into your Life.

Wake up feeling Loved and Connect with your Essence. Know that Inspiring things happen every day for you are a Pure Light that Inspires. Love yourself and Love your Life for by doing this you Awaken in ways that will Radiate a Peaceful Energy.

Open yourself to the Treasures within and bring Miracles into your Life. We have within each of us an endless reservoir of Knowledge, Wisdom, Light and Love. Light your own Candle and Become a Friend of Life.

Love is a Sacred Truth. It is that which makes us Stronger. It is our Inspiration and Motivation. Love is Food from Heaven that Nourishes the Soul. It is a Heartwarming and Nurturing Gift that Blesses all Humankind. Love is an Uplifting Consciousness. It is the Garden of your Heart and Mountain of your Spirit. Love is a Light that is always Shining. It is Hope, Happiness, Reverence and Beauty. Love is YOU and You are Love!

Earth Friends and Healers of the Heart let us Unite in Spirit. Let us Live in a Light and Gentle Way which Inspires Kindness. Life is a Sacred and Soulful Dance that is meant to leave you Blissful and Breathless. Let Love grab you by the Heart and Illuminate your Spirit. Walk with me and let our Gift to Humanity be the bringing of Joy into everyday Life.

We are all One. Share, Learn, Laugh and Connect. Communicate with Spirit and Radiate Joyful Energy. Every Person is a Wonderful Gift to the World. Know that We are here to Serve each other. Know that We are here to Love each other. Be open to the Love around you and Express Gratitude for this day. We are all One.

A Beautiful Imagination and the Heartbeat of Nature can Create a Soundtrack for Life that Speaks to the Spirit and Serenades the Soul.

Cherish every Moment. Feel the Reality of your Compassionate Presence and use that Feeling as an Opportunity for Growth and Learning. Make every Breath an Enchanting Experience and a Positive Mantra. Know that within you is an Illuminating Glow waiting to Guide you to the Highest form of Living. Respect and Appreciate your Life and you will find Peace on your Journey.

Come with me to the Enchanted Land of Dreams where we will find Joy and Peace in the Arms of our Spiritual Mother. Join me on a most Incredible Adventure of Imaginative Awe and Artistic Inspiration where the Door to Sacred Growth opens into Profound Knowing and Intuitive Wisdom. Walk with me to a Place of Heavenly Delight where the Light of your Greatness is a Bouquet of Sunflowers that Brightens every Home and Illuminates every Soul. Experience with me the Beauty of our Existence.

( by MicHEAL Teal / The Ancient One )

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