Thursday, September 6, 2018

The Kindness Of Others Increases My Capacity To Feel Love

the kindness of others increases my capacity to feel love and adds meaning to my divine existence.

when we are truly thankful our lives are filled with the light of hope and we are embraced by all that is sacred and beautiful.

my sky is filled with rainbows that reach up into the heavens and invite angels into my life.

give yourself permission to taste the richness of life. allow yourself the freedom to experience the many blessings within your world. open your heart fully to the enduring goodness of your true natural self. embrace the uniqueness of each and every moment. it is a wonderful life when we let ourselves live it.

it is a beautiful day to be alive. it is a wonderful day to shine your light. it is a glorious day to share your love. it is a miraculous day to serve the highest good. it is your day to shape in any way you so choose. it is an amazing day.

every act of compassion is a reminder of the goodness that resides in the heart of our true sacred self.

my struggle has always been with myself. dark against light. sadness versus happiness... the good news is no matter the battle I always win. at this moment the light of happiness stands triumphant.

when I became aware of the obstacles I was putting in my own way and began to remove them was when love became my new reality.

depression has rained down on me all my life but it has not destroyed me because in moments of light I have seen rainbows in my sky which have blessed me with love.

I swim freely in oceans of awareness where I flood my being with natures love and heavenly beauty.

my palette is filled with compassion from which I paint a portrait of kindness that I hang in the heart of every soul I meet.

when we allow the love in our heart to embrace people in positive ways we greatly benefit our life on earth.

I choose to allow positive change into my life and was rewarded with a sacred soulmate and an angelic son who have made mine an ethereal existence of profound love.

live gracefully in gratitude for every moment you are alive is a moment where you bless the world and the world blesses you.

dance with me where the fae folk play and the spirit comes alive.

embrace with me the soul of kindness and together let us create a blueprint of compassion from which we can build a world of love that transforms humanity.

I never reach for my dreams. I write them down and and then do my utmost to turn them into realities that I can easily reach.

when I speak I do so with compassion, respect and understanding for mine is a world of spiritual awareness rooted in love where path and purpose serve the highest good.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

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