Thursday, October 11, 2018

Today I Shall Say I Love You. This Is What I Shall Do Today.

today I shall smile. today I shall embrace others. today I shall laugh. today I shall sing and dance. today I shall enjoy my life. today I shall say I love you. this is what I shall do today.

be sure to look closely at your life that you may see its true blessings for unique and rare are those empowering experiences that purify and cleanse the heart and soul with a healing atmosphere of deep awareness which awakens us to the beauty of our world.

the divine in you blesses your life with great gifts when you live your highest good and truly love who you are.

everything we do is something significant that has an impact on our life and the lives of others so be sure that no matter what you are engaged in that you are approaching it with kindness and compassion.

a desire to serve is a blessing we bestow upon the world that heals and uplifts while changing the course of our lives.

thankful am I for the great gift and blessing that is life for it is a loving miracle that I receive daily with open arms.

awake from the darkness with the realization that a new world is being born and that you can make a significant impact by letting your spirit unfold honestly, truthfully and divinely.

each moment in our life provides us the opportunity to serve spirit through inspired actions that honor the light within.

every cell of our authentic self connects us to the divine and when we accept this truth by embracing its bountiful beautiful blessings we begin to experience the benefits of our ethereal existence.

innate is the goodness within the heart and by using its blessings to uplift and empower others we awaken the sacred and ours becomes a heavenly journey of kindness, compassion and transformation.

walk in beauty as you use your gifts to create a life you love in which moment is miraculous and every day is sacred.

ecstatically I awaken and look in the mirror where I see my true self and am inspired to live a greater life that honors and celebrates my divine existence.

I embrace all of life with loving kindness and compassionate intelligence for I know that my highest calling is to do my best to benefit myself and others by plantings seeds of joy and happiness.

gentle is the spirit who lives in a state of love for theirs is a sacred path that makes this world a better place.

I discovered my higher self in the deepest reaches of my soul and together we decided to make ours a journey of light where miracles happen.

in dreams I journey to heavenly dimensions where I am embraced by revelations and insights that turn the darkness into light. upon awakening I use what I have learned to engage in activities of a spiritual nature that bless me with extraordinary experiences of transformation.

I remember the day my heart proposed to my soul because I knew immediately that they would have a marriage where gratitude comes easy and love is a way of life.

every morning I bathe in oceans of light while spirit whispers to me sweet messages of love that cultivate within my heart the kindness and compassion needed to make my life story one that has a happy ending.

I live my purpose in peaceful passionate positive ways that create a nurturing atmosphere that inspires sacred growth on all levels.

I spoke to my essence who complimented me on my presence as I bowed in reverence for the beauty and blessings of my ethereal existence.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

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