Thursday, October 25, 2018

Nourish, Nurture And Help Others

life is enriched with profoundly positive opportunities when we use our natural gifts to nourish, nurture and help others.

we are able if we believe in ourselves to change our lives through acts of divine alchemy that connect us to the light.

to achieve the highest good we must simply be our highest self.

change your energy and you change your life. immerse yourself in negative energy and you are wrapped in darkness and depression. infuse your world with pure positive energy and you create a new reality of great love and profound life choices.

the heartache I have felt throughout my life has not broken me but inspired me in profound ways. the darkness has taught me to appreciate the light. the cruelty of others has made me determined to be a better man. when I am knocked down I am motivated to rise up. every challenge empowers me to do and be more. I have survived because I have learned and I have thrived because I have loved.

stand in the light of the fullness of your being so that all may see the beautiful mosaic on spirit that radiates from within your heart and soul.

are you proud of the path you are on, if so share it joyously with every soul you meet. are you proud of the path you are on, if not open yourself wisely to the the transforming powers of every soul you meet. we all have special gifts and we all have the ability to make choices that enhance and enrich our lives. are you proud of the person you are...

let us project kindness into each day and let us walk our path with a sympathetic spirit for we are immortal souls whose sacred purpose is to love and be loved.

when I breathe I breathe in the beauty that surrounds me and I breathe out the sacred love that lies within for it is my desire to make each breath something sacred and transformational.

I know not what lies ahead but I know that I will handle whatever comes my way with honor, integrity, compassion, kindness, dignity and love.

we experience greatness and life becomes more meaningful in those sacred moments in which we shine our light on others in gentle healing ways.

my path today is one of light. my purpose today is one of love. I have chosen on this day to bring joy, beauty and goodness with me everywhere I go. this is how I will live this day.

by believing in myself I bring people to the light for it is through acts of self love that we are able to see our sacred purpose which is to help ourself and others find our way home.

your smile is a radiant force and a sacred blessing that creates a flow of positive energy which inspires kindness and cultivates compassion.

I have things to do before the afterlife that will make eternity a glorious path nourished by the light of angels and the love of spirit.

with kindness, compassion, honesty, respect, integrity, grace, guidance, dignity and love I have created a spiritual foundation on which I can build a heaven of my own creation.

stand barefoot on sacred Mother Earth with an open mind and heart for by doing so you will feel the vibrations of spirit which will awaken you to the radiant beauty and sacred blessings of the world around you.

a compassionate heart is a most rewarding gift that nourishes the world with a rich bountiful banquet of love.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

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