Thursday, October 4, 2018

Enhance And Nurture The Lives Of Every Sacred Soul

I discovered my bliss when I used my generosity, kindness and deep healing energies to enhance and nurture the lives of every sacred soul I met along the way.

the heart of the divine self is filled with bountiful blessings that unfold along lifes path when we live beautifully as we open ourselves fully to receive the miracles that are our birthright.

in joyful aliveness I seek to generate happiness and stimulate well being as I help myself and others evolve and grow in sacred healing ways.

cleanse and purify your path by awakening to your authentic self and wholeheartedly engaging life with passionate positive purpose.

the force of the universe called and asked if I would make changes that were beneficial for myself and others. my answer was yes and since then life has improved in brilliantly powerful ways that transform all activities into something sacred.

the heart opens and the light of the heavens shines in when we truly love and appreciate who we are.

today I will contribute something positive to the world that will awaken people to the sacred gifts of life and the light inside their heart and soul.

without even knowing it you bring joy into peoples lives every day for with each act of kindness and show of compassion you replenish their spirit and invigorate their soul.

in genuine loving service I give myself to others for I have walked through the darkness into the light and I can show them the way home to who they truly are.

I was exploring new paths of happiness and fulfillment when I was gently touched by spirit and reminded to share my blessings with every soul I meet.

we are branches of bliss on the tree of life and by sharing our blessings with the universe we help people grow into beings of spirit who infuse the world with love.

you will experience greater joy and happiness when you fall in love with yourself for you are a sacred being of beauty and light.

the light of life nurtures and supports us but we sometimes allow stress, anger, anxiety... to block their efforts. release your anger, remove your stress and free yourself from anxiety for when you remove the roadblocks the journey becomes a blessing of magic and miracles.

healing helping guides of goodness are here to help you. all you have to do is believe in their existence, believe that you are worthy and open yourself to their kindness and compassion.

I know you are sad but within you is a joyful heart. I know you have been beaten but your soul is filled with miracles. I know you are broken but your spirit is strong and proud. I know you and you are a beautiful being of light. this will pass and you will rise because you deserve better than this. believe in your greatness. believe in your glory. believe that you are loved . I am sending you positive energy and sacred blessings.

blessings from the universe illuminate my spirit and make my soul come alive with ethereal energies that connect me to all that is sacred and beautiful.

within your heart is a place of pure love and radiant brilliance waiting for you to come home that it may embrace your entire being with golden threads of caring and compassion.

live authentically and honestly as this will bring good energy into your life which will open pathways to healing and transformation.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

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