Thursday, March 7, 2019

A Roadmap To Healing

the scars on my heart and soul have created a roadmap to healing. each one is a benchmark that has inspired in me a compassionate wisdom that I use to serve others. when I read my map I not only see where I have been but in its truth I see clearly where I am going.

practitioner of spirit know your place. you are not a doctor, you are not a psychiatrist and most importantly you are not a god. you are a being of light whose purpose is to serve humanity in ways that enrich, empower, educate and enlighten. it is when people stop preaching god and start playing god that life goes to hell. shine your light and share your love but do it in a way that is responsible, honest and sincere.

it was while expanding my boundaries that I walked through the doorway of spirit into a life free of limitations where I could happily be my true authentic self.

our capacity for love increases when we truly love, honor and respect ourself.

create with me a place of soul nurturing light where we are embraced by the true loving spirit of life as we seek to inspire happiness within all of humankind.

walk a path of heart in which you give love to yourself and others as you breathe in happiness and yours will be a sacred truth that brings miracles into your life.

today I will rest and relax at home in my pyjamas where I will watch tv, listen to music, read a book, eat some lovingly made food, take a nap and bask in the sacred beauty that is my glorious loving family.

possibilities emerge from pain and it is our choice whether we pursue those that are negative or those that are positive. my life transformed into something beautiful when I chose the latter and let the former go.

my aspiration is always to act in a way that allows me to live authentically as I awaken into an altruistic awareness which inspires me to make mine an adventure that is all embracing.

my first roommate was a peaceful loving heart who was broken by the madness of the darkness that encompasses our world. it took me a lifetime not to heal its wounds but to understand it enough to ease the pain and return to it the innocence and honesty that made it so positive and pure.

my thoughts and actions are sacred prayers that light my way and lead me along a true authentic path of freedom to a place of higher vibration where the love that impacts my world is enlightening and extraordinary.

I was walking gently across this earth taking advice from spirit and direction from soul when we were guided by the sacred to stimulate our journey by letting the light, love and inspiration within flow more freely.

I was awakened by kindness this morning and reminded that blossoming in my heart is a pure divine love waiting to be shared with the world.

thoughtful people are beings of spirit whose compassion cleanses my spirit and makes me thankful for the blessings in my life.

my spiritual path arose from strife, struggle and stress. the pain that has battered and broken me has also motivated and inspired me. however my suffering while helping me as a sacred practitioner better serve others has never been a marketing ploy. I say from experience that when you choose a healer, empath, psychic, shaman... be sure that their path is true and not just the latest attempt to generate an income. be sure that they are honest in their purpose. be sure that they are not taking advantage of your kindness. my darkness and depression have been for me a source of knowledge that helps me help others see the light. it is with respect that I serve. you are beautiful beings of light deserving of sacred truth and spiritual liberation. I am sending you love and light.

in the darkness of your truth smile and let your sacred light illuminate the world so that you may see the door to spirit and open it.

it is when I listen to my angels and guides that I connect to the universe in bright beautiful ways that make me feel alive and awakened.

for me spiritual well being became a reality not when I began to believe I was worthy of love but when I started to believe that love could be honest, true and possible for me.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

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