Thursday, March 14, 2019

I am in love with the light of pure intentions and positive change.

I am never without hope for I am in love with the light of pure intentions and positive change.

no matter how dark or depressed I may seem the truth is my soul is always smiling at people. no matter how broken or battered I am the truth is my spirit is always singing a song of joy. no matter how sick or sad I am the truth is my heart is always radiating love. so when you see me in an unhealthy state know that the truth is my sacred self is always alive with happiness.

let us live this day in a way that opens hearts and minds to the joy of being alive.

as a child it was difficult to believe in the love and kindness of others because when you grow up with alcoholic parents what happens is you reach a point when their addiction taints everything and from that point on nothing they say even if its sincere has any meaning. it took me til I was almost forty to believe that kindness, compassion and love are real things that people experience. I am blessed now to have a wife and son who love me for who I am and whose love is a blanket of ethereal beauty that warms, soothes, protects and enriches every aspect of my existence.

greater is the sense of freedom one feels when they embrace the heart of life with their unique essence as they walk an authentic path to the love that is their birthright.

the healing beauty of the human spirit is a blessing that soothes the soul and opens the heart to a more loving ethereal existence.

another lifetime ago I was suicidal and living on the street. while I was there people would seek me out for advice and counsel. while I was in the the darkness of depression lost souls would come to me seeking the light. while I was there strangers would look to me for guidance on their journey. another lifetime ago I was I was pulled from the ledge and saved because instead of taking my life I decided to help others navigate their way through theirs. my hurt and the hurt of others became for me and them a source of healing.

in kind and gentle ways let me walk this earth with light as my companion and love as my guide.

miracles can happen. I know this because I am here. I know this because I have experienced them. I know this because they have pulled me from the bowels of hell more than once. miracles can happen. I know this because I am a miracle.

I decided one day to celebrate being alive and as I danced in the light of lifes blessings my heart and soul were filled with spiritual revelations that embraced me in meaningful ways which encouraged me to manifest positive realities that made mine a journey of joy and happiness.

within each of us is a life force energy which releases into our world a bright beautiful light of love whenever we use our sacred gifts to liberate the heart and inspire the soul of others.

sweet is the nectar of the soul and by allowing ourselves to be nourished by its sacred truth we enchant our lives with a healing energy that awakens the love within.

I got a message from my guides this morning they said I was taking life too seriously and I needed to enlighten up.

I love my job because I work for the greater good. I love my life because I live for the highest good. I love myself for I am a good man.

the hatred of others heals me more than it hurts me for I use its negative energy as inspiration to set free the positive loving energy that lives within the core of my being.

by navigating the path ahead with love and kindness as your guides you inspire change as you bask in the sunlight of an extraordinary day.

clarify your intentions as doing so will help you see those blessings that live beyond normal sight, perspective and perception.

one day I got lost in my mind and was distracted to the point that I stopped breathing in the negativity of others. I was immersed in a sea of new emotions and when I realized why I used this information to alter my path and change my life. from that moment on I decided to exhale all that entered me which was negative and inhale all those things around me that were positive. I breathe easier and live happier these days.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

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