Wednesday, March 27, 2019

An Inspired Life Of Goodness

I begin this day and every day with the intention of living an inspired life of goodness that touches people in profound positive ways.

to all men who are reading this whose brokenness hurts others I say leave her alone. go get help. stop destroying lives. she deserves better. by hurting her you are hurting us all for you are contributing to a culture of abuse. to all the men that physically and sexually assault women who are reading this I say please stop. please stop. please stop...

I am empowered and inspired by those whose smiles are sincere and whose love is true.

every time I am knocked down by the darkness of life I am inspired to soar higher and higher to the light of my true sacred self.

I am tired and overwhelmed by the constant flow of media reports of madness in men. yet another case of a man abusing women and of people defending him. he was nice to them therefore he can't be guilty. all the red flags that are blatantly obvious do not matter what matters is only your perception not other peoples suffering. I will not get into who the latest is or why it has upset me so, I will only say that I have met this person. what struck me during this event was not the person himself but the strength and courage of those seeking help and healing. that was beautiful. the truth is it was they themselves who were sending out healing energy. it was their belief that was the miracle. if you are reading this know that there are good honest decent men out there. I consider myself one. while I am hurt by those men who would destroy others for their own gain, gratification and satisfaction I am encouraged by the fathers, husbands and friends that I know who are men of character and quality. let us all share stories not of mad men and maniacs but of positive men of goodness and greatness. my thoughts, prayers, love and light are with all who are suffering at this moment.

walk with spirit along a pathway of change to your true sacred home in the heavens of your heart.

I was talking to my spirit and my soul about my true sacred self when my angels asked if we wanted to invite our ancestors over to play with miracles.

it becomes more difficult each day to manifest happiness because we are constantly bombarded by other peoples hatefulness. you can't turn on the tv, radio or computer without being overwhelmed by stories of atrocities. it becomes more difficult but not impossible. now more than ever our love and kindness are needed. so I will walk streets of blood with a warm smile, I will traverse broken pathways of darkness with kindness as my companion. I will venture into fields of prejudice with compassion as my intention. this is how I choose to live my life. I am sending each and every soul my love and light.

I was talking to my spirit and my soul about my true sacred self when my angels asked if we wanted to invite our ancestors over to play with miracles.

life for me is gloriously illuminated by the goodness of my son and the greatness of my wife.

love is a fragrant flower that blooms within the heart whose infinite beauty enriches the soul while illuminating the true miracle of who we are.

to see the radiant beauty of the self when it blossoms is a blessed experience for what you are actually seeing is an angel get its wings.

the more I love, respect and accept myself, the better able I am to embrace life in ways that make my visions and dreams come true.

a loving word and a compassionate gesture were walking down the street when they came upon a random act of kindness who joined them and together they set out to show by example how we all can transform our world into something better and more beautiful.

I caught my inner child playing with miracles the other day and I asked where he had found them and he said that he didn't find them because they were already there inside of me. He then asked me if I would like to join him which I did and everything seemed clearer as life became easier and more enjoyable.

I was speaking with my past the other day and they reminded me how far I have come from where I began. I was speaking with my future the other day and they told me how far I have to go to get where I belong. I was speaking to the divine the other day and they told me to stop worrying about where I have been and where I am going and to just start living joyously from the place where you are now. I think today I will just walk my path in silence and see what happens.

mine is a cosmic conscious filled with healing energies that radiate out into the world when I engage in acts of kindness and compassion.

pure is the spirit that sings a song of kindness which embraces every soul with faith, hope and happiness.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

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