Thursday, March 21, 2019

Sacred Places Of light

self doubt and self love were arguing one day about which direction I should take in life when I got fed up with their bickering and set out on a path of my own creation which led me to sacred places of light that connected me to something greater.

breathe in a life of choice and create from it a world of divine liberation in which you infuse every moment of every day with love.

I got home once from a trip to the convenience store and realized that when they gave me my dollar change it was in fact two dollar coins stuck together. I immediately put on my coat and walked all the way back to the store and handed a loonie to the girl behind the counter. she said you walked all the way back here for a dollar and I said yes it wasn't mine. today we are bombarded with news story of people who lie, cheat and steal constantly. I on the other hand make an effort to maintain my dignity and integrity by setting my moral compass in the direction of honesty.

I poured her liquor out yet still she drank, I told him he was abusive yet still he hurt her, I stepped in front of them and said no more yet they still continued on their path of destruction. I walked away and liberated myself from their madness yet still I carry the weight of a burden not of my own making. she filled my glass with hope and happily I drank, he embraced my life with light and joyously I danced, they brought to my world a love that was true and enthusiastically I celebrated. that for me was a simple lesson. one was the world I was born into and one was the world of my own choosing and creation.

you are a uniquely original and beautiful being of spirit whose divine essence blesses this world with love.

by living your greatness you infuse your world with miracles that bring new life to your story.

I make an effort to energize my life with thoughts and feelings that have a pure positive passionate purpose for doing so nourishes me with a divine wholeness that embraces my life with deep spiritual meaning.

let the power and beauty of your sacred heart kindle within you a love that enriches your life in healing ways which elevate your entire being beyond the mind to a world of enrichment, empowerment and enlightenment.

I have walked through the fires of hell and emerged alive with a higher state of mind for the suffering I experienced showed me that the purity of my heart would always guide me to a place of greater joy where I could manifest the destiny of my dreams.

it was when I was far enough removed from the brokenness of my upbringing that I began to experience the healing wisdom of my compassionate heart.

inspire your life by climbing the sacred mountain of truth and reaching into the heavens for the happiness that is your true destiny.

rich is the tapestry of light within the soul of those who through kindness and compassion set out to transform our world.

when I got up this morning I turned on the light of spirit and saw a sense of well being waiting for me to invite it to come along with me on a journey of rest, relaxation, revelation and rejuvenation.

I was searching beyond the self for spiritual nourishment when I was embraced by the sacred sweetness of my own innate wisdom which I then used to embrace life with the love that is my essence.

my spirit guides called me the other day and asked me if I wanted to come out and play. I said yes and contacted my angels and asked if they would like to join us. they said yes and we all had a wonderful time dancing in the sunlight of a celebration of our own creation.

bruise me and I will bring forth life, cut me and I will cultivate joy, break me and I will create something beautiful, kill me and I will manifest miracles. you do not have the power to control my life. with every mean and monstrous decision you attack me with I have the choice on how to react and I have chosen to react in ways that enable me to rise above my suffering to a better place of my own making.

greater love flows freely within me when I open myself to the positive energies of those who shine their light and share their humanity in caring compassionate ways.

I am a being of pure consciousness and light whose purpose is to connect with other sacred sentient beings and together generate a flow of positive energy that helps people grow spiritually as they walk a path of love.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

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