Thursday, July 25, 2019

I Am Who I Am and Who I Am is Beautiful

I am who I am and who I am is unapologetic. people will see what they want to see, hear what they want to hear and believe what they want to believe. it is not up to us to fuel their ignorance by making excuses for what makes us the unique beings we are. just live your truth proudly and be authentic. never apologize for who you are. I am who I am and who I am is beautiful.

something miraculous is set in motion when we seek to create positive life moments that embrace the goodness of spirit.

when our intentions are sacred and sincere the heart opens and a beautiful new reality emerges which embraces us with love.

live in the light of your truest highest self and yours will be a journey of healing spirit in which you bring forth your sacred beauty for all the world to see.

while on my way to becoming whole I opened the gateway to compassion and was guided along a path of kindness where every moment was a gift of inspiration.

we all have an inspiring story to tell. we all have the ability to positively impact the lives of others. we all are healers. we all are teachers. let us be who we are by helping each other blossom.

something miraculous happens when we not only truly believe in ourselves but we also live that truth with all our heart and soul.

stop acting that way. stop thinking that way. stop living that way. start today with the intention of living and being a better way.

I do heart based work which which breathes hope into the world around me making mine a meaningful existence of deep lasting loving change.

let us come together as beings of love and share the source of light within in ways the feed the spirit and nourish the soul while awakening us to all that is sacred.

as a psychic I have done many readings over the years. I tend to do things differently than most. I have had people walk up to my booth and turned them away while accepting the next person that came up because I just wasn't getting the energy I wanted from the first person. when people are not sure if they want a reading I am a hundred percent sure I am not giving them one because if you don't believe or have faith it poisons the process. my first priority is the person I am reading but it must be done properly. I tell people what I see and feel. then I tell them what spirit guides me to share with them. finally I embrace their essence with divine love and light. I am not a county fair, phone fake or tv talk show fraud. I am a sincere honest sacred being whose purpose is share my generous compassionate soul with those in need.

live the love that you are by walking a path of spiritual well being where every action and intention is a heartfelt blessing of courage, compassion and kindness.

no matter what we do life happens. people still suffer, people still die and people still hurt each other. how we react to these truths dictates how happy we are. I chose to change the way I think. I made an effort to alter the way I respond. I took the steps necessary to help myself flourish and grow. we each have within us the ability to contribute to life in a way that makes the world a better place. when I was young I wanted to make a difference. when I was young I wanted to save the world. as I aged I realized that through simple acts I could have a great impact. if I touched but one life in a positive way then they would share that blessing by acting in kind which would then ripple across our world. life will always happen but we can create a better world according to how we happen to live our life.

the heart when nurtured embraces our humanity and empowers us to heal.

with loving kindness and profound compassion I have created a destiny of spiritual bliss and sacred beauty.

accept your blessings with the knowledge that you are the gatekeeper and that at any moment you can choose to open the gate to a better more beautiful world.

I found my way from the darkness to the light when I began to keep my heart open and love myself more.

throughout our life the soul is on a sacred journey and when we accept and embrace this reality it helps us to become truly happy.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

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