Friday, July 19, 2019

My Path is a Patchwork Quilt of of Unique Blessings created with Love

my path is a patchwork quilt of of unique blessings created with love that warms and comforts every aspect of my ethereal existence.

I awake each morning with spirit as my guide and I send out love, light and positive healing energy into the universe with the knowledge that it will make its way to exactly where it is meant to be.

healing aspirations nurtured by spirit make the human experience a pure positive journey of ascension.

for the longest time the broken parts of my life made it difficult for me to express the beauty and truth of who I am. then one day I climbed from the rubble of my past and saw a glimpse of what could be which was all the inspiration I needed to move forward into the light.

abundant blessings of wholeness and happiness embrace us with sacred wisdom when we bathe in the light of spirit with love as our guide.

I build a bridge to spirit when I embrace the creative for life itself is a work of art and I am a sacred artist and wordsmith.

on this day I shall surrender to love and share its sacred blessings with the world.

I feel a deep connection with you. I can see inside your soul and what I see is beautiful and sacred. I feel a deep respect for you. I can see inside your mind and what I see is glorious and divine. I have a deep love for you. I can see inside your heart and what I see is compassionate and ethereal.

empower your life with love and yours will be a journey of inspiration in which a sacred flow of positive energy guides you along a path of transformative experiences.

our lives are filled with many wonderful things and when we truly believe in ourselves we are better able to see those blessings and embrace their magnificence.

whenever we discover a new level of happiness it gives us the strength to rise above our struggles to a place of light that opens the heart and soul.

you are an amazingly gifted and beautiful soul who is more powerful than you realize. look within and you will find a source of inspiration that will light the way for yourself and others.

true transformation occurs when we use compassionately our loving energies to make a better future for ourself and others.

walk with me in the light and together we will forge a path nourished by spirit that brings love to the world.

we live in a age of empowerment when people are encouraged to come forward and speak out against their accusers. while we still have a long way to go in this area we are at least beginning to hold people accountable. however this has not changed our political mindset. we still elect monsters and madmen. we elect them not because they are good people but because they are on our team or represent our interests. I care not that you are mayor, senator, governor or president. I only care that you are a good person. let us hold all accountable for their actions. let us take those on high who are racist, womanizing lowlifes and knock them off their pedestals. let us by example show the world that integrity, dignity, honor, honesty and respect are the things we desire from those in power. it is time to throw out the garbage and clean up our world.

with compassion I walk my path. with understanding I approach each day. with kindness I venture forward on my journey. with love I live my true sacred destiny.

I have found that when I express myself spiritually I cleanse and bless the path I am on in deeply loving ways that elevate my existence.

on this day make it your purpose to breathe in happiness as this simple act of self love will make your feel more alive as you evolve into who you truly are.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

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