Thursday, July 4, 2019

We Are People Of Spirit Whose Gifts Are Many

we are people of spirit whose gifts are many and the more fully we love ourselves and each other the greater our rewards.

we all need to cry. we need to purge. we need to release. there are a number of songs that I listen to when I want to cry that help me remember, relive and release my pain. me and little Andy, don't cry daddy, sarabeth, hello in there, dear mr Jesus, daddy don't you walk so fast, the cat carol, tea and toast... I listen, I cry and then I take a deep breath, look at the blessings in my life and move forward with a smile on my soul.

the choices that make me feel the most alive are the ones that facilitate well being while guiding me along a path of enlightenment to the bountiful beautiful gardens of the universe and beyond.

every day no matter what we do life happens. no matter how happy we are or contented life still happens. people get sick. people die. people go hungry. people go to war... the key to survival, healing and wholeness is how we react and what we do to move forward when life happens. every day no matter what happens I do life in a loving nurturing manner that invokes within me all that is sacred.

generosity of spirit ignites within us a sacred fire that illuminates a path of purpose which guides us to the love that is our destiny.

spiritual freedom comes to those who use their true sacred nature to embrace the joyous vibrant flow of the universe.

I am a magnificent creation who struggles. I am a being of light who is broken. I am a sacred entity who is hurting. I am an angel of light who is surrounded by darkness. the beauty of who we are does not free us from suffering. however the acceptance of and belief in our glory and greatness helps us to diminish our pain as we create an atmosphere of healing and an environment of love.

wholeness connects me to my higher self. happiness connects me to my sacred self. our lives are filled with connections. find those things that connect you to blessings which open your heart and soul to the beauty of life and the bliss of being.

there is spiritual relevance to negative reactions. when we react poorly to lifes struggles we drag our spirit down and recovery becomes all the more difficult. if we react intelligently and compassionately we raise our spirit as we evolve to a higher level. we may not choose our suffering but we can choose how we react to it. there is spiritual relevance to positive reactions.

if I had saved all the dimes I have turned on throughout my life I would be a wealthy man today.

the soul transitions and the heart expands when help others embody their authenticity and enrich their love of life.

with generosity of spirit I engage in compassionate practices which personalize my path in deeply enriching ways.

their are forces both positive and negative that shape us all. those of us who follow the right forces are the ones who love the shape we are in.

during my darkest days there was always a white light soaring above the clouds and an angel on my shoulder to remind me that I was deserving and I was worthy.

pure hearted awareness of self is a soul enhancing elixir that helps us to live more compassionately and love more freely.

selfless generosity helps to create a sate of bliss that enhances life in ways which untie your binds and unfold your wings.

divine are we who swim the ocean of our being with greater awareness and a determination to breathe, feel and experience fully the beauty of life.

sing to each other a song of pure joy as you dance in your dreams and yours will be a pathway of light kissed by love that leads to the heavens.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

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