Thursday, September 24, 2020

act with kindness, act with courage, act with sympathy, act with empathy and act with love


act with kindness, act with courage, act with sympathy, act with empathy and act with love.

life is for me is the most difficult when I respond with anger and the most rewarding when I respond with love. what has been your response to this crisis.

the media gives me criticism, callousness and conspiracy. my wife and son give me courage, compassion and creativity. who do you think I listen to.

grateful am I for the goodness in my life for it is a blessing that connects me to angels, ancients and ancestors who embrace me with the breath of enlightenment.

sacred, spiritual, mystical, metaphysical, holistic, healing, meaningful and miraculous these are my words for the day. I plan to use them well.

it is when I am able to be inspired by my life that I am bathed in thoughts of peace and freedom which make feel sacred and alive.

I carry a piece of the universe in my pocket which creates for me a flow of goodness that makes mine a brighter more beautiful world where I am touched by love.

I met one day an angel of prayer who touched my heart and soul with peace, love and light which inspired me to share my blessings with the world.

when we were kids we were taught right from wrong. people seem to have a hard time these days telling those two things apart. when did that which is so simple become so difficult to understand. racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia and misogyny are wrong. I would like to see a day when people started doing the right things is that so wrong.

a perfect day begins with pure thoughts and a sincere desire to make a positive contribution to the world.

with eyes of spirit look within and you will discover growth, tranquility, happiness, harmony, knowledge, peace, light, love, blessings and a deeper meaning of life that will liberate, elevate, enrich and enlighten.

I embrace the sacredness of life with a creative spirit that connects me to my purpose thereby making mine a holistic journey of loving kindness and positive personal growth.

it was while doing the right thing that I realized my life is a beautiful prayer of healing and I am a being of light. let us all on this day simply do the right thing.

let us make celestial connections that awaken and empower. let us cultivate kindness as we live a life of love. this is a time of great change. let us use that time well.

I can see the insanity before me. I can hear the words of madmen. I watch in horror as people rally around maniacal monsters. I look at what is blatantly obvious and see the truth while others either don't see it or ignore it. this crisis has brought out the worst in many. I see these things and I choose not to act in kind by also being ignorant, offensive, hateful and hurtful. I see these things and I choose to be hopeful, compassionate, inspiring, caring and loving. I can see the light before me...

I like to look at life through eyes of kindness as doing so helps me to accept, acknowledge and appreciate myself and others as I walk in beauty to sublime happiness.

radiant is the heart which when touched by the miracle of love sings an ancient sacred song of joy that embraces the beauty of life with pure positive energies that reach across the heavens.

realign your destiny, shape it in a way that helps yourself and others, walk a path of peace and spirit, embrace the beauty of life, share messages of hope, immerse yourself in the purity of love and be happy now.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

Thursday, September 17, 2020

I like to celebrate who I am and honor who you are.


the more positive a life I lead the easier it is for me to make the kind of choices that celebrate who I am and honor who you are.

in the spirit of divine love I share with you words of kindness, compassion, hope and honesty with the intention of embracing your heart and awakening your spirit.

I thought English was an easy language to understand but people seem to be having great difficulty with it. somebody says something insulting and people hear something inspiring. somebody says something mean and people hear something motivating. somebody says something maniacal and people hear something miraculous. it works both ways. somebody says something uplifting and people hear something degrading. somebody says something hopeful and people hear something hateful. somebody says something truthful and people hear something dishonest. have you understood this. do you know what I am saying. we all need to take a look at how and why we are reacting to pretty much everything these days. I wish you all great joy and happiness. I hope you don't take that the wrong way.

this crisis for me has been a time of cleansing and clearing. it has been a time of revelatory experiences that have helped me to realign with my destiny. it has been a time of mindful awareness and spiritual fulfillment. it has taught me how not to be, what not to say, where not to go and what not to do. it has shown me whats really important. this time for me has been an education in enlightenment. I can see with greater clarity the blessings in my life. this crisis for me has been a time of healing. I will emerge from this stronger and wiser. it has been a difficult time but it has been my time and I have used it well.

I like to focus my mind on blessings, beauty and bliss as I dance with faeries and play with unicorns. my imagination is for me meditation and inspiration.

whatever you do put your love into it as doing so expands your consciousness and cultivates happiness.

compassionate understanding creates positive experiences that immerse us in realms of spirit where we are able to manifest greater experiences of love.

the inability nowadays for people to see stupid is mind boggling. people can see a racist and brand them a hero. people can look at a sexist and call them a leader. people can be confronted by a madman and embrace them as the new Messiah. when did our ignorance become so blind that we lost our minds. I look at all people the same way and simply ask myself is this a person I would want around my wife and child. when it comes to sexist, racist, madmen and monsters the answer is no. this is not a game. we need to see the truth that is standing before us and act upon in ways which are kind, compassionate and loving. we are the solution but until we open our eyes and see with clarity the truth nothing will change.

when I do things that help me to love myself I breathe my soul alive which fosters wellbeing and makes the world around me a much better place.

far too many people these days are speaking out in ways that are derisive, demeaning, disgusting, deplorable, diminishing and destructive. let us begin to heal by speaking the language of light and love.

positive self worth helps to create within us a flow of sacred healing energy that transforms our lives in profound ways which bless the earth with love.

I like to do things that foster within me a passion for life that benefits the soul and fills my heart with love.

wonderful things happen when with unwavering faith we walk a path of revelation that brings spirit into our lives.

I turned on the light of creation and heard a sacred voice that inspired me to approach everything in life with love as my purpose and intention.

may love and blessings awaken humanity to a new reality where with gratitude and appreciation we embrace the gift of life in meaningful ways that benefit one and all.

remember when we were able to make decisions without first watching the news. remember when we could go about our day without input from strangers. remember when we simply did what was right without even having to think about it. remember when common sense was our companion. remember when and then let those memories guide you back to a place of health and happiness unencumbered by madness and manipulation. remember, revert, resurrect and restore.

better life choices make for better outcomes that help us to be better people who do things that are devoted the betterment of all.

we are all spiritually connected and by embracing fully that connection we breathe new life into our world which creates a love for humanity that heals and transforms.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

Thursday, September 10, 2020

I am going to Venture out today with the Intention of doing something Spiritual


I am going to venture out today with the intention of doing something spiritual that impacts positively the lives of others while improving the quality of my life.

awareness helped me to awaken and awakening helped me to ascend and ascending helped me to appreciate just how blessed and beautiful life can be.

I got a message directly from spirit that filled me with insightful wisdom which led me to pathways of hope where I was embraced by love and light.

when I make self honouring choices that celebrate who I am and selfless choices that rejoice in who others are we all become our best selves.

I never thought growing up that I would see twenty, let alone thirty, forty, fifty, sixty... truth be told I never wanted to see any of those. luckily later in life my fortunes changed and I managed to build for myself something beautiful. yesterday I was blessed to turn sixty two. My wife and my son are my greatest gifts. they remind me every day that I am loved.

the spirit sings freely, the soul dances happily and the heart radiates love unconditionally when we approach life in healing transformative ways that embrace and express the true sacred beauty of who we are.

It wasn't that I fell in love with myself what I did was walk directly into the open arms and heart of my true sacred self which embraced me with a love that blessed me with wonder, wisdom and wellness.

instead of contributing criticism and conspiracy theories to this crisis maybe we should all start contributing something special like greater happiness, meaningful messages, sacred gifts and positive loving energy.

no matter the struggle, no matter the strife, no matter the battle and no matter the war we always have love flowing through us. we who have discovered how and when to release that love into our world are the ones whose lives are filled with positively profound and transformative experiences that enlighten.

greater happiness, spiritual divinity, a higher path and a sacred purpose are just some of my intentions and aspirations for the day.

may we all move forward and spiritually toward a happier life that inspires positive change where we breathe love into every moment.

I opened the doorway to deeper understanding and walked through it into a spiritual universe of unique beauty where I experienced a sacred wholeness and joyful state of being overflowing with love.

the heavens whispered to me this morning messages of encouragement and enlightenment that have inspired me to share my words, wisdom and sacred gifts.

I like to help facilitate true happiness by sharing my positive loving energy and reminding each soul I meet that every breath is a blessing.

cultivate love within each moment for love is the elixir of life that heals all wounds.

it bothers me when those carrying guns believe that they have god on their side. it upsets me when those who claim they are democratic are in fact autocratic. it hurts me when those of faith and religion are really people of fear and hatred. it scares me when there are so many self proclaimed messiahs who truth be know are monsters and madmen. I am frightened but I will persevere, I will rise above, I will survive and I will thrive for I see the truth in the love of a woman and the beauty of life in the heart of a child. They are my freedom, they are my reality and they are the light that shows me the way.

I am a spiritually minded person with spiritual values whose hopes, dreams and visions revolve around spirit.

be your own helper, be your own hero and be your own healer. be who you are born to be and yours will be a richly rewarding path of greater purpose where you are the creator of your own reality.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

Thursday, September 3, 2020

I take a sacred shower every morning in which I wash my spirit, cleanse my soul and purify my heart.


I take a sacred shower every morning in which I wash my spirit, cleanse my soul and purify my heart.

I introduced grace to glory who introduced grace to greatness who in turn introduced greatness to goodness who introduced them all to the beauty, bliss and blessings of life.

I wish not to hear opinions, criticisms and complaints. I wish instead to hear words of caring, compassion and kindness. I wish not to witness people looting, burning and fighting. I wish instead to witness people singing, dancing and rejoicing. I wish not to see people being racist, sexist and homophobic. I wish instead to see people being open, honest and loving. I hope today and every day that my wishes will come true.

I like to keep my heart open so that the love within it can naturally unfold into my life and breathe miracles into my world.

serve yourself greater well being. serve your community inspired goodness. serve society your divine essence. serve the world all the love within your heart. a life of sacred service is a blessing that positively impacts the world, the universe, the heavens...

faith flows like a river within my heart. faith In my family, faith in my community, faith in my spirit. faith in my freedom. faith in myself. bliss washes over me like an ocean...

I was helping the heart open one day when I felt surge of unique aliveness that inspired me to express my divinity in compassionate and loving ways that served the highest greatest good.

what is the truth of who you are. mine is that I am a transcendent being of light and love blessed with a purpose beyond the ordinary whose message is one of hope and happiness. what is the truth of who you are.

I decided one day to trust myself. I made a conscious choice one day to have faith in who I truly am. I set out one day with lasting inner peace as my intention. I made up my mind one day to be a better man. I felt inclined one day to live a life a miracles. Today I think I will express my uniqueness in a way that moves me toward joy.

walk with me a path immersed in sacred light that honours the spirit where greatness occurs whenever we shine our beauty and share our love.

the soul has answers which if listened to and followed can connect us to the light which will in turn change our life in the most beautiful ways.

I like to tell myself the truth because honesty has always served me well on my journey.

loving awareness regenerates the spirit with high vibrational energies that have a positively profound impact on every aspect of our existence.

when we smile our kindness is revealed, when we laugh our true self blossoms, when we sing our spirit unfolds, when we dance our soul rejoices and when we love the heavens open up and welcome us home.

when I have been at my lowest higher forces have always raised my spirit. when life has knocked me down love has always lifted me up. I am confident that I will emerge from this current struggle stronger, healthier and happier.

in this difficult time where we are closed off from the world its important that we open our eyes to the spirit, open our mind to the soul and open our hearts to the heaven that is our destiny.

extraordinary breakthroughs occur when with enhanced personal freedom we transcend limiting beliefs by walking a path of becoming in which we live our truth with kindness, generosity, goodness and love as our guides.

today I will embrace the day with purposeful powerful positive actions and intentions whose healing benefits help me to grow, evolve and fulfill my highest destiny.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One