Thursday, September 24, 2020

act with kindness, act with courage, act with sympathy, act with empathy and act with love


act with kindness, act with courage, act with sympathy, act with empathy and act with love.

life is for me is the most difficult when I respond with anger and the most rewarding when I respond with love. what has been your response to this crisis.

the media gives me criticism, callousness and conspiracy. my wife and son give me courage, compassion and creativity. who do you think I listen to.

grateful am I for the goodness in my life for it is a blessing that connects me to angels, ancients and ancestors who embrace me with the breath of enlightenment.

sacred, spiritual, mystical, metaphysical, holistic, healing, meaningful and miraculous these are my words for the day. I plan to use them well.

it is when I am able to be inspired by my life that I am bathed in thoughts of peace and freedom which make feel sacred and alive.

I carry a piece of the universe in my pocket which creates for me a flow of goodness that makes mine a brighter more beautiful world where I am touched by love.

I met one day an angel of prayer who touched my heart and soul with peace, love and light which inspired me to share my blessings with the world.

when we were kids we were taught right from wrong. people seem to have a hard time these days telling those two things apart. when did that which is so simple become so difficult to understand. racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia and misogyny are wrong. I would like to see a day when people started doing the right things is that so wrong.

a perfect day begins with pure thoughts and a sincere desire to make a positive contribution to the world.

with eyes of spirit look within and you will discover growth, tranquility, happiness, harmony, knowledge, peace, light, love, blessings and a deeper meaning of life that will liberate, elevate, enrich and enlighten.

I embrace the sacredness of life with a creative spirit that connects me to my purpose thereby making mine a holistic journey of loving kindness and positive personal growth.

it was while doing the right thing that I realized my life is a beautiful prayer of healing and I am a being of light. let us all on this day simply do the right thing.

let us make celestial connections that awaken and empower. let us cultivate kindness as we live a life of love. this is a time of great change. let us use that time well.

I can see the insanity before me. I can hear the words of madmen. I watch in horror as people rally around maniacal monsters. I look at what is blatantly obvious and see the truth while others either don't see it or ignore it. this crisis has brought out the worst in many. I see these things and I choose not to act in kind by also being ignorant, offensive, hateful and hurtful. I see these things and I choose to be hopeful, compassionate, inspiring, caring and loving. I can see the light before me...

I like to look at life through eyes of kindness as doing so helps me to accept, acknowledge and appreciate myself and others as I walk in beauty to sublime happiness.

radiant is the heart which when touched by the miracle of love sings an ancient sacred song of joy that embraces the beauty of life with pure positive energies that reach across the heavens.

realign your destiny, shape it in a way that helps yourself and others, walk a path of peace and spirit, embrace the beauty of life, share messages of hope, immerse yourself in the purity of love and be happy now.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

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