Thursday, September 10, 2020

I am going to Venture out today with the Intention of doing something Spiritual


I am going to venture out today with the intention of doing something spiritual that impacts positively the lives of others while improving the quality of my life.

awareness helped me to awaken and awakening helped me to ascend and ascending helped me to appreciate just how blessed and beautiful life can be.

I got a message directly from spirit that filled me with insightful wisdom which led me to pathways of hope where I was embraced by love and light.

when I make self honouring choices that celebrate who I am and selfless choices that rejoice in who others are we all become our best selves.

I never thought growing up that I would see twenty, let alone thirty, forty, fifty, sixty... truth be told I never wanted to see any of those. luckily later in life my fortunes changed and I managed to build for myself something beautiful. yesterday I was blessed to turn sixty two. My wife and my son are my greatest gifts. they remind me every day that I am loved.

the spirit sings freely, the soul dances happily and the heart radiates love unconditionally when we approach life in healing transformative ways that embrace and express the true sacred beauty of who we are.

It wasn't that I fell in love with myself what I did was walk directly into the open arms and heart of my true sacred self which embraced me with a love that blessed me with wonder, wisdom and wellness.

instead of contributing criticism and conspiracy theories to this crisis maybe we should all start contributing something special like greater happiness, meaningful messages, sacred gifts and positive loving energy.

no matter the struggle, no matter the strife, no matter the battle and no matter the war we always have love flowing through us. we who have discovered how and when to release that love into our world are the ones whose lives are filled with positively profound and transformative experiences that enlighten.

greater happiness, spiritual divinity, a higher path and a sacred purpose are just some of my intentions and aspirations for the day.

may we all move forward and spiritually toward a happier life that inspires positive change where we breathe love into every moment.

I opened the doorway to deeper understanding and walked through it into a spiritual universe of unique beauty where I experienced a sacred wholeness and joyful state of being overflowing with love.

the heavens whispered to me this morning messages of encouragement and enlightenment that have inspired me to share my words, wisdom and sacred gifts.

I like to help facilitate true happiness by sharing my positive loving energy and reminding each soul I meet that every breath is a blessing.

cultivate love within each moment for love is the elixir of life that heals all wounds.

it bothers me when those carrying guns believe that they have god on their side. it upsets me when those who claim they are democratic are in fact autocratic. it hurts me when those of faith and religion are really people of fear and hatred. it scares me when there are so many self proclaimed messiahs who truth be know are monsters and madmen. I am frightened but I will persevere, I will rise above, I will survive and I will thrive for I see the truth in the love of a woman and the beauty of life in the heart of a child. They are my freedom, they are my reality and they are the light that shows me the way.

I am a spiritually minded person with spiritual values whose hopes, dreams and visions revolve around spirit.

be your own helper, be your own hero and be your own healer. be who you are born to be and yours will be a richly rewarding path of greater purpose where you are the creator of your own reality.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

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