Thursday, May 20, 2021

The Art of Inspiration met the Spirit of Transformation on the Road to Salvation


the art of inspiration met the spirit of transformation on the road to salvation where they came upon the heart of revelation who introduced them to the soul of creation and together they painted a portrait of a life of liberation.

I am a flower but I am not a delicate flower. I am a broken, battered and bruised flower whose beauty comes from a smile of survival that radiates from within my soul saying to the world look at me I am alive and happy.

I was out the other day walking when I saw a masked man and an unmasked woman coming toward each other. when they started to get close each at the same time moved over to their right to make sure they felt safe. in gratitude for the mutual respect shown they both said thank you and smiled. sometimes common sense is a most beautiful thing.

in boundless waters of spirit I swim toward a life divine where I may express my purpose as I live my truth in harmony with the heavens.

love accelerates awakening and then we are taken on a journey through fertile fields in which all that is sacred blooms.

I embraced positive change which manifested higher consciousness that awaked the spirit who took me on a celestial journey where I was hugged by the heavens which connected me to the divine who led me home where I was embraced by my family.

the soul emerges when we nurture it, the spirit soars when we nourish it and the heart rejoices when with soul and spirit we show it our love.

when I am shown kindness I am warmed by a scared light which inspires me to share that blessing with others that they too may feel the comfort of compassionate communication.

there is beauty within and through kindness and compassion we bring it forth that the world may see the goodness in our heart and the greatness in our spirit.

I feel my age creeping up on me. I see through my arthritis my mothers hands for they are my hands. I feel the heat at this age and it burns. my blood pressure is high, my breathing is difficult and my sleep is deprived. I feel my age creeping up on me but I do not flee I welcome it in and give it a hug for it has taken a long time to get here which many years ago I neither thought, believed or wanted to happen. I am weary but I am happy for I have survived much and through it all have managed to make a life that I can be proud of. I feel my age. I think today I will feel good.

today I will plant flowers of gratitude for all the blessings in my life.

there is an oasis of serenity within my soul that calms and soothes me when I am feeling down.

whenever I am feeling down my truest self and my sacred self raise my spirit by letting me know that I am not going through this by myself.

love for me can at times be a creative expression of self that engages the heart and enchants the soul.

to heal the heart of the world we must first open our heart fully for an open heart is a conduit for change that cleanses and cures.

ancient is my dance and eternal is my song for I am an angelic artist whose life is a masterpiece of creative awakening and deepening inner peace.

I like to cultivate the core of my being for it is there that the soul and spirit blossom.

I have always felt the presence of spirit and it is what has given me hope and courage in the face of danger and darkness.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

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