Thursday, June 10, 2021

Make decisions Rooted in Kindness, Compassion, Faith and Love

every decision we make is a life changing decision which is why I decided a long time ago to make decisions rooted in kindness, compassion, faith and love.

I like to help myself live a better life by filling my mind with positive thoughts and ideas which become actions and intentions that allow the light and love within to flow more freely.

the day my perspective became spiritual was the day my passion for life increased, my purpose revealed itself and I started to make empowered choices that made me feel fully awake, aware and alive.

vivacious is the spirit of those whose very essence is a timeless prayer of happiness that embraces the people around them in loving healing ways which inspire, elevate and empower.

embrace your beauty and you will experience your spiritual self in a compassionate way that cultivates peace within.

life is a profound gift so for me the simple act of waking up each morning is a profound experience of beautiful boundless joy.

I have read a lot of books during this past year and a half. biographies, poetry, humour, educational, nostalgia, faith, fantasy, bizarre, strange, healing and more. this week I started a book that is a transcript of a conversation between William S Burroughs and Allen Ginsberg. To hold an actual physical copy of a book in my hand brings me great joy. To turn a page rather than scroll is a blessing. I have listened to a lot of music this past year and a half...

I will find what kindles my fire and I will use it to light the flame of love within which will embrace my life with pure passion and positive purpose.

life goes on during the most difficult times. everyday during this pandemic people have gotten sick from other illnesses, people have died from other things... the crisis has been difficult but when added to the trauma and turmoil of everyday life it has been devastating. you cant turn on the news without hearing about racist attacks, mass shootings, abused children, battered women and more. to survive I have embraced each simple act of kindness, compassionate gesture, helpful action and loving word shown to me with the intention of sharing those blessings with others. life goes on but where I go is my choice and for me its always toward the light.

when I nourish my hungry spirit it awakens the blessings within which breathe love into my life.

I like to live an active life where the actions I take create positive lifestyle changes which free the mind, soul and spirit.

sometimes too much of nothing is too much to handle and you need something to enhance the flow of life and connect you to something sensational and spectacular. for me that something is family and they are something special.

in this time of change and transition it has been the love and healing presence of my wife and son that have not only seen me through it but lifted me up that I may see their true beauty and our blessings.

I grow in confidence when I make positive connections with people of spirit who live in harmony with heaven and earth.

when the language of the soul is loving our life is aligned with the heavens and our world is joyful and rapturous.

my prayers are poetic and positive expressions not of my desires but of my divinity.

every act of kindness and compassion i am shown reminds me of how blessed I am and I fall in love with life which inspires me to act with kindness and compassion toward others.

light the flame of love and let its warmth and beauty illuminate your path and enrich your daily life.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One


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