Thursday, July 29, 2021

People of Greater Spiritual Health


beautiful and lovable are those people of greater spiritual health who share their gifts freely and unconditionally with others.

I was exploring new ideas in unique and meaningful ways when I heard the whispers of angels telling me that simplest way to create miracles in my life was to fill my heart with love and joy.

the more doors of opportunity we open the more choices we are presented with and the more choices we are presented with the greater the possibility that we will discover heaven on earth.

I quench the spirit with all things good and the light of the divine makes my world a little bit clearer which allows me to see more fully the blessings in my life.

we grow spiritually when we walk pathways of positive choice to places of joyful discovery where beautiful sacred people dwell in peace and freedom.

living more fully deepens and enriches life by generating positive energy, creating more joy and embracing each day with countless blessings.

mine is a poetic path of peace and prayer where actions are life affirming messages that elevate and inspire.

awaken the dreamer within and bring them outside into the light where together you can make every dream one of great joy that transforms each moment into a divine reality.

I once discovered my divinity playing in a sandbox with all that is sacred where they built castles of compassion which cultivate kindness.

a smile is a seed for growth and growth is a seed for transformation, transformation is a seed for happiness and happiness is a seed for bliss, bliss is a seed for spirit and spirit is a seed for love ... let us all plant seeds from which a better world will grow.

I have always sought out higher truths for inspiration because with each new discovery I evolve to a place of greater understanding that brings me closer to heaven.

my home is a home for the heart and soul where harmony and happiness give greater meaning to life.

give yourself the gift of you. the real you, the generous you, the peaceful you, the inspiring you, the compassionate you, the positive you, the gentle you, the nurturing you, the mystical you and the loving you. give the world the gift of you.

begin this day with love. walk your path with joy. dance in ecstasy on sacred Mother Earth. journey into gardens of peace and freedom. end this day with love.

the higher my spirits are the greater my contribution to the world and to my true authentic sacred self.

be a bright light upon this earth. dance and sing where dreams blossom. be generous and sincere. live with dignity and integrity. be uniquely you.

the human spirit is an alchemical blessing from which we can create wisdom, wellness, beauty and bliss.

vibrant is the state of joy that occurs when mind, body, soul and spirit are in union with the earth and the heavens.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

Thursday, July 22, 2021

A Sincere Smile has a Luminous Glow


a sincere smile has a luminous glow of radiant power and eternal sunshine that warms the heart and nourishes the soul.

it would be nice if this crisis initiated the awakening of all beings but it seems far too many have awakened into a world of criticism, condescension and conspiracy where left and right instead of looking for ways to come together seem set on keeping us apart. I however have awakened into to a world of my own creation. A world of peace and freedom. A world of kindness and compassion. A world of light and love. it is time to wake up and you have the choice of which world you will wake up to.

I was nurturing myself with greater awareness when the light I was seeking revealed itself and showed me a better way of being which unburdened my soul, raised my spirits and healed my heart.

with more freedom comes more responsibility and those who use that freedom to connect more deeply with themselves, others and the world around them are the angels on earth who will guides us into the light of a blessed and beautiful new day.

symmetry of soul and spirit illuminated by goodness and connected to all that is sacred is where my transformation begins.

many wonderful things happened when I made mine a life of positive living, kindness, compassion and love.

courage and compassion came over one day and we discussed how we as one could be a source of happiness for ourselves and others during this crisis and then we ventured out into the world to do just that.

a gentle transformation that raises our spirit and empowers our life occurs when we make an effort to help and heal others.

our sacred self evolves gloriously when we use our pure positive energies and soul healing gifts to plant seeds of love in bountiful gardens of spirit where our unique natural goodness blossoms into beauty, blessings and bliss.

speak the language of love and inspiration while acting with greater compassion and yours will be an abundant life of experiential joy filled with light where you have a profound positive effect on the world around you.

light the lamp of mindfulness and you will see beauty, goodness and wellsprings of love beyond this world ready to infuse your life with divine grace and sacred glory.

sacred vibrations within our heart and soul radiate out into the world when we engage in rejuvenating activities that refresh the spirit with healing energies which foster the highest good.

embrace yourself, support yourself, believe in yourself, accept yourself, better yourself, empower yourself and love yourself for you are wonderful and you are worthy.

I have grown weary during this time pandemic of peoples ignorance and prejudice. I think racism, sexism, homophobia... are all just nonsense. Its not your business what somebody else does with their life. why should somebody be tortured by living with your antiquated rules. let them be happy. let them be who they are. you dont have to understand it. you dont have to like it. just shut up and leave them alone. i have always looked at everyone the same way - how you treat me is how I treat you. we all have the same dreams and desires. we all want a happy healthy life for ourselves and our families. let us embrace that common ground and begin to build a better future.

open yourself fully to spirit and yours will be a sympathetic empathetic journey of sacred self discovery in which you embrace and express joyfully the beauty of who you are.

moments of ecstasy and bliss embrace us with a pure deep love when we make choices and engage in activities that are kind and compassionate.

mine is a soulful reality connected to life by threads of hope in which i do my best each day to build a foundation for a better tomorrow.

I with spiritual intentions choose to walk into the light of a brand new day to greater awareness, profound awakening and higher levels of happiness.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

Thursday, July 15, 2021

A Peaceful Prayerful Emergence

the past year and a half while others were ruminating on conspiracy theories I was embracing common sense. while others were fostering the negative I was facilitating the positive. while others were wallowing in ignorance I was cleansing in waves compassion. from the first day of this crisis I have made it my path and purpose to create within my home an environment of hope, healing and happiness where respect and gratitude reign supreme. the past year and a half while others were knee deep in nonsense I was nourishing and nurturing a peaceful prayerful emergence into a beautiful and blessed new world of love and light.

the day I came home to spirit was the day my life became filled with revelatory experiences that created happiness within.

waves of transformation wash over me when I nurture my natural self with clear and optimistic intentions that serve the greater good of all.

the greater your awareness of spirit the more glorious your experience of life.

I have done my best to live a beautiful life and while I may not have always accomplished exactly what I wanted I have still managed to make my way to a place of peace in a home of happiness where beauty is a blessing I call family.

each day I look at the world differently. one day I look at it with eyes of compassion, one day with eyes of love, one day with eyes of spirit, one day with eyes of hope, one day with eyes of kindness, one day with eyes of humanity and one day with eyes of heart... this way each day is a blessing of inspiration and transformation.

my wife helps me live better. my son helps me live better. I help myself live better. life is all the better when you make the choice to live better. my wife helps me love better...

the more sacred and loving we are the easier it is for us to see the beauty along the way as we propel forward into a life of liberation and transformation where miracles happen and blessings abound.

plant seeds of love and light that awaken your humanity and you will blossom into beauty as the universe smiles in appreciation and the heavens dance in celebration.

once while searching in the attic of my soul for answers I discovered transformative gifts which I opened, embraced and shared with the world thereby making mine a unique and amazing life of blessings and bliss.

be your own inspiration. approach each day with openness and positive intention. cultivate courage and compassion. embrace the spiritual pleasures of life. ignite your purpose and live your passions. believe in, cherish, honor, celebrate and love who you are. be your own inspiration.

dive with me into the ocean of spirit where together we can swim into our dreams as we cleanse our soul and honor our destiny.

masks are coming off and doors are opening which inspires me not to run around recklessly pursuing those things that I have missed but instead to walk calmly and peacefully in a safe serene manner that allows me to fully appreciate where I have been, where I am going and where I choose to be in the future. I am not only going to stop and smell the roses I am going to stop and plant seeds of light and love.

see in small things the wonder of being and let yourself bask and blossom in the wisdom of its beauty as you make profound changes that invigorate your life.

I am alive, fully present and able to think positive thoughts that blossom into compassionate actions which channel healing energies and heartfelt happiness to every step I take on the road of life.

peace in the heart soothes and heals our life by cleansing our environment and clearing the way for us to live our highest destiny.

I like to make people smile as doing so nurtures a healthy spirit and fosters a positive way of living.

I find that in those moments when I feel spiritually connected I am able to light within me the fire of intent which I transform into actions that help me to walk a path of clarity where answers emerge which bring light to my world.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One


Thursday, July 8, 2021

Once Upon A Time I Truly Opened Myself To Love


once upon a time I truly opened myself to love which turned out to be all I really needed to live happily ever after.

my journey has been one of authenticity, originality, honesty, integrity and courage in which I have tried each day to be a better man than I was the day before.

just be yourself. doing so nurtures the spirit with a positive flow of healing energy. just be you. the real you. the beautiful you. the sacred you. the loving you. just be who you were born to be.

sacred skills when used with practical wisdom bring miracles into our lives that we may grow spiritually, live happily and love divinely.

when you inner landscapes are free of struggle and strife your outer garden will be a place of peace and tranquility where you can blossom into beauty.

I awoke one morning to the sound of angelic voices singing heart opening songs which breathed life into my day inspiring me to beautifully craft a path of greater happiness.

spirits walk with me telling tales of glorious moments and great miracles that have followed me throughout my life lifting me from the darkness into the light.

I know that mine will be a beautiful loving future because i have done my best to make this a kind compassionate present.

greater insight combined with positive intentions stimulates feelings of love which enhance the quality of life with a constant flow of profoundly sacred energy.

I am a poet of spirit who lives and loves poetically using every word as a blessing that I bestow upon the world.

a positive sense of self fills life with profound daily experiences of incredible beauty which stimulate spiritual transformation.

I like to engage in spiritual practices that promote kindness and goodness for they bring me moments of profound peace that weave my life together with sacred threads of love.

the spirit asks me questions that provoke positive change. the soul gives me answers that inspire passion and purpose. that is how I start each day and that is why each day is a blessing.

breathe in happiness for today, breathe out hope for tomorrow and be thankful for every day that you are blessed with the ability to breathe.

the god within was talking to the god without about the goodness inherent is us all when the goddess above embraced everyone with a love that inspired growth and glory.

whenever I am feeling unsure, lost and alone I make my way home to truth which helps me to change my reality into one of courage, compassion and confidence.

we have a powerful purpose that profoundly impacts others when with self awareness, self belief, self respect and self love we set out with the intention of sharing those strengths with the world.

I am grateful for my gifts for they help me to fully express who I am in a manner that embraces the heart with awareness, appreciation, awakening and well being.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

Thursday, July 1, 2021

A Greater Truth of Individual Awakening and Deep Powerful Healing


with good intentions explore the spiritual and yours will be a mystical journey in which you experience great joy as you are embraced by the light of transformation.

the more I contributed to positive change the easier it was for me to evolve to a greater truth of individual awakening and deep powerful healing.

self appreciation for me opened my eyes and heart to the true beauty of who I am and the divine blessings of every soul I meet.

once while planting seeds of awareness and awakening I changed how I viewed myself and from that moment on I began to be one with all that is.

with healing intentions I do my best to engage in activities that motivate, elevate, encourage and inspire as this not only helps others it also helps me.

make the choice to be someone who lights the way for others and the benefits will be soul nourishing experiences which make a lasting loving impact on your life.

times of great change are upon us and we who approach them with kindness, compassion, common sense and love will be blessed with profound transformative experiences of hope, healing and happiness.

we honor and celebrate our true self when we joyfully connect to the significance of our soul and align with our sacred purpose.

embrace your own magnificence, embrace your true nature and embrace the divine within for the miracle of life is itself a sweet embrace.

make a conscious effort to manifest your intentions and yours will be a journey of life affirming truths in which you are a beacon of inspiration whose extraordinary essence helps others live in positive ways that serve the greater good.

mine is a path of peace and prayer in which I connect with spiritual beings through angelic communication and together we use the light and love from our hearts to go forth and help others.

take a positive approach to life and life will guide you toward peace, happiness and harmony.

one day my thoughts became beliefs that turned into truths which evolved into actions that elevated my existence by embracing the essence of who I am with love.

the impossible happens when we happen upon the impossible and do whatever we can to make it a revitalizing reality that improves the quality of our life.

awareness of angels here on earth is what made me fall in love with life and become my highest self.

I honor the old ways while living my life in my own way for I have found that those things which make me different are blessings that throughout my life have liberated, elevated, inspired, empowered, transformed and enriched every step along my path to divine happiness.

make time in your life for miracles. make an effort to invite heaven into your home. open your heart and soul to angels, ancestors, gods and goddesses. do those things that serve you well. live and love at the highest level possible.

I found peace within when I started to believe in myself because for me self belief was a light filled reality that empowered my life by inspiring me to engage in positive activities which filled my world with love.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One