Thursday, July 15, 2021

A Peaceful Prayerful Emergence

the past year and a half while others were ruminating on conspiracy theories I was embracing common sense. while others were fostering the negative I was facilitating the positive. while others were wallowing in ignorance I was cleansing in waves compassion. from the first day of this crisis I have made it my path and purpose to create within my home an environment of hope, healing and happiness where respect and gratitude reign supreme. the past year and a half while others were knee deep in nonsense I was nourishing and nurturing a peaceful prayerful emergence into a beautiful and blessed new world of love and light.

the day I came home to spirit was the day my life became filled with revelatory experiences that created happiness within.

waves of transformation wash over me when I nurture my natural self with clear and optimistic intentions that serve the greater good of all.

the greater your awareness of spirit the more glorious your experience of life.

I have done my best to live a beautiful life and while I may not have always accomplished exactly what I wanted I have still managed to make my way to a place of peace in a home of happiness where beauty is a blessing I call family.

each day I look at the world differently. one day I look at it with eyes of compassion, one day with eyes of love, one day with eyes of spirit, one day with eyes of hope, one day with eyes of kindness, one day with eyes of humanity and one day with eyes of heart... this way each day is a blessing of inspiration and transformation.

my wife helps me live better. my son helps me live better. I help myself live better. life is all the better when you make the choice to live better. my wife helps me love better...

the more sacred and loving we are the easier it is for us to see the beauty along the way as we propel forward into a life of liberation and transformation where miracles happen and blessings abound.

plant seeds of love and light that awaken your humanity and you will blossom into beauty as the universe smiles in appreciation and the heavens dance in celebration.

once while searching in the attic of my soul for answers I discovered transformative gifts which I opened, embraced and shared with the world thereby making mine a unique and amazing life of blessings and bliss.

be your own inspiration. approach each day with openness and positive intention. cultivate courage and compassion. embrace the spiritual pleasures of life. ignite your purpose and live your passions. believe in, cherish, honor, celebrate and love who you are. be your own inspiration.

dive with me into the ocean of spirit where together we can swim into our dreams as we cleanse our soul and honor our destiny.

masks are coming off and doors are opening which inspires me not to run around recklessly pursuing those things that I have missed but instead to walk calmly and peacefully in a safe serene manner that allows me to fully appreciate where I have been, where I am going and where I choose to be in the future. I am not only going to stop and smell the roses I am going to stop and plant seeds of light and love.

see in small things the wonder of being and let yourself bask and blossom in the wisdom of its beauty as you make profound changes that invigorate your life.

I am alive, fully present and able to think positive thoughts that blossom into compassionate actions which channel healing energies and heartfelt happiness to every step I take on the road of life.

peace in the heart soothes and heals our life by cleansing our environment and clearing the way for us to live our highest destiny.

I like to make people smile as doing so nurtures a healthy spirit and fosters a positive way of living.

I find that in those moments when I feel spiritually connected I am able to light within me the fire of intent which I transform into actions that help me to walk a path of clarity where answers emerge which bring light to my world.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One


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