Thursday, August 19, 2021

Peace, Freedom, Faith and Joy


our true nature radiates love and fully embraces the sacred when we share it freely with the intention of creating a naturally nurturing environment of peace, freedom, faith and joy.

if we help each other grow we gain a greater appreciation for life that makes ours a richly engaging journey in which we blossom into beauty and venture into bliss.

stop criticizing and start being kind. stop complaining and start helping out. stop arguing and start appreciating. stop attacking and start embracing. stop hurting and start healing. stop crying and start laughing. stop running away and start dancing toward the light. stop being negative and start being positive. stop hating and start loving.

I try to live consciously, creatively and compassionately for when I succeed life becomes a beautifully designed blessing of clarity and calm in which I am divinely connected to the cosmos.

the greater our sense of self worth the more likely it is that we will transcend our trials and tribulations for self worth creates positive feelings within that flow out into our world profoundly impacting our life and the lives of others.

with goodness as my guide I step positively into forests of faith, gardens of spirit, rivers of revelation and worlds of wonder for I a a being of light on a journey of love to my home in the heavens.

do those things that stimulate feelings of love and you create a constant flow of positive energy that will enhance your life and celebrate your ethereal essence.

live and love happily. live and love compassionately. live and love positively. live and love joyously. live and love beautifully. live and love honestly. live and love blissfully. live and love.

life is a gift and you are a blessing. share your gifts and blessing with the world.

empowered by spirit set out on this day with the intention of sharing pure positive energy with everyone you meet.

sacred is the light flowing from within us and by directing it towards others we illuminate with compassion and kindness the miracle and magnificence of who they truly are.

I was listening to the song of the soul while bathing in divine waters when I felt my vibration change which lifted me to new levels of being where I could see with greater clarity the true beauty of my existence.

the very first thing my son says in the morning is have you had a good day. you could have been up for two minutes and he says have you had a good day. he has done this since he was five or six. he's eleven now. the answer to his question is yes. it may not have been a good day before he asked but it was after. I was wondering have you had a good day?

with unfettered honesty immerse yourself in sacred activities that embrace the soul of nature and the earth will sing a song of spirit which will radiate peace and invoke harmony.

there is generosity within you, there is greatness within you, there is beauty within you, there is wisdom within you and there is love within you. look within and set free those blessings that the world may know just how special you are.

I was in a dark place in the midst of depression when I made the choice go forth into the light with the intention of giving myself the opportunity to see better, feel better, live better and love better which has helped me to be a better man.

I took a breathtaking stroll through the neighborhood and along the canal the other day and was inspired by nature to create a uniquely loving environment of natural beauty and sacred truth where wellness was a way of life.

endless possibilities are strewn along our path and the clearer our vision of life the greater our chances of embracing those possibilities which would benefit us the most.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

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