Thursday, November 29, 2018
Enhance Your Experience Of Being Alive
when we live our greatest good we achieve a higher state of awareness which changes our state of being and enhances our experience of being alive.
open the heart fully and experience the beauty of its blessings by sharing its positive loving power.
we are brothers and sisters of light and when we live and love as family ours becomes a positive inspiring environment in which we all benefit beautifully.
do those small simple things that bring you happiness and the power of their life affirming energy will enhance and enrich your sacred journey.
to empower others awaken the spirit within yourself by loving who you are and then sharing that love with the world.
I walk my path with pure intention, positive expectations and a sincere desire to fill the world with light and love.
you are a miraculous masterpiece of divine artistic beauty whose radiant essence blesses the world in metaphysically meaningful ways which embrace the heart and soul of humanity.
it is my hope that by living in service to the light I can help awaken humanity to the reality that it is through kindness and compassion that we create a better world.
take a deep breath of happiness and you will feel the positive energy of your sacredness flowing through every cell guiding you to make positive life affirming choices.
we feel the love of the universe within and around us when we use our blessings to help others discover theirs.
mine is an ethereal journey through pathways of peace, fields of positive energy and landscapes of love for I know that every step I take is on sacred ground.
each morning when I get up I speak to the soul who explains to me my worth to others and my value to the world. each night when I go to bed I speak to the spirit who explains to me my purpose in life and my place in the universe.
you have within you great natural forces of sacred beauty which when released into the world create self growth, healing and positive lasting change.
good intentions are blessings that open the heart to hope, healing and transformation.
acts of kindness evoke the sacred which embraces life with heavenly vibrations that elevate us into the light.
there are cosmic forces at play every day and the more connected you are to spirit the better able you will be to avail yourself of their services.
I have left my footprints in the wind as i travel a path of conscious intent. The womb of nature has caressed my spirit and inspired me to facilitate positive change as i seek to advance human understanding. I walk a rainbow trail where i embrace the world with love . Mine is a passionate vision nurtured by Mother Earth . Through exploration and expression i seek to enhance the flow of positive energy for my fellow spiritual travelers. The simplicity of the soul is enchanting and endearing , it generates peace and love and inspires me to embrace the infinite life force while being a catalyst for conscious evolution.
MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One
Thursday, November 22, 2018
Kindness Is Good For You
caring compassionate thoughts and the realization that kindness is good for you are but two blessings that you can bestow upon yourself which will inspire miraculous transformations.
the pain I feel inside is a lesson of truth that inspires me to explore the souls anatomy so that I may discover how to help and heal myself.
throughout my day are moments of madness which darken my journey and attack my soul. it is when these moments occur that I awaken the light within so that I may see that my blessings far outnumber my problems.
may yours be an enchanting rainbow dance in kinship with all of life where you treat your soul and senses to the love that is your birthright.
I wear my love with grace and dignity for I know in my heart that I am a divine messenger of light whose purpose is to change lives one soul at a time.
at the core of your being is a reservoir of pure natural joy which unfolds along your path when you are kind to the earth and its inhabitants.
love, laughter and happiness were things I denied myself the first forty years of my life. it got so bad at one point that I gave up on humanity and took to the streets with the intention of ending it all. however life wasn't ready to let me go yet and pulled me from the brink of disaster. it was then that I began to slowly open those parts of me that I had hidden away from the world. it was then that I began to let others in. it was then that I found love. be sure if you are suffering not let that suffering instill in you a fear that denies you the joy you deserve. I am sending you love, light and positive healing energy.
saturate your mind, body and soul with the light of spirit and you will evolve to a pure state of divinity that embraces each moment with beauty, brilliance and bliss.
the soul sings a song of self love and liberation when we reach into the sunshine of our existence to touch the heart of all that is sacred.
I wept with joy the day I discovered that I had the power to not only change my life but to help others change theirs.
I always knew even in the darkest days of my depression that I deserved more joy and that I was worthy of love. It was those beliefs that kept me alive long enough to experience the blessings that would transform my life.
love heals the heart and fills our life with pure positive energy that awakens our humanity while guiding us to the destiny we desire.
I followed my spirit yesterday who led me to my soul who then guided me to my inner child who brought me home to me and together we all played in the yard while the heavens shined a light on our divine beauty.
pain and suffering has taught me to appreciate those little things in life that bring a smile to my soul for it is the simple blessings that we experience along our path that give us the greatest pleasure.
give love to others and you will feel within you the miracle of who you are embracing your spirit and caressing your soul.
I was out for a walk with compassion and kindness when we happened upon love and light which motivated us all to share our blessings and shine our light on the world.
awareness of our thoughts helps us remove negative ones which enables us to see our life with greater clarity while filling it with more positive thoughts, actions and intentions.
take a grand leap of faith and you will bring into your life a light that shines beautifully on those sacred attributes that make you miraculous.
my journey through darkness and depression taught me that my brain processes information differently which motivated me to seek out ways to live my life that worked best for my mental health.
may yours be a heart centered path of soulful positive purpose that embraces the spiritual world with loving acts of kindness and compassion.
MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One
Thursday, November 15, 2018
Pure Sacred Energy
I find an honest genuine smile to be an extraordinary gift whose loving purpose elevates the soul with pure sacred energy.
for many years I found comfort in the knowledge that hope was on the horizon and then one day I realized that I needed something more so I ventured out to the horizon and invited hope home.
the darkness within me is infinite yet I have hope for the light within me is eternal.
we each have our own special angels that watch over us and help us to shape our divine evolution in ways that open our spiritual heart and awaken our sacred light.
a heart centered life is a blessing we bestow upon the world that fills it with a love that is mystical, magical, metaphysical and miraculous.
awaken your blessings and use them to weave a life of miracles where the soul blossoms as you bathe in the beautiful waters of spirit.
words can help. I have my entire life released words into the universe which have touched lives in positive ways. every day I hear from people who let me know that what I have shared has helped them through a difficult time. so venture out on this day with the intention of sharing a kind word, words can heal.
we are a world in desperate need of inspiration which we can provide by nurturing the sacred in ways that help others heal.
extraordinary efforts create extraordinary experiences that manifest extraordinary outcomes which make life extraordinary.
compassion is profoundly empowering. when we show others love and kindness we strengthen our lives with a divine energy that ignites the soul and spirit.
I know are you are struggling. I believe in the strength of your soul. I know you are hurting. I believe in the power of your spirit. I know you are suffering. I believe in the love of your sacredness. I know you you are a survivor because I believe in you.
positive spiritual thoughts, actions and intentions are an empowering force that connect us to the heavens in harmonious ways.
as a psychic, healer, spiritual consultant and shaman I have had countless people come to me and ask me questions that they already knew the answer to. they didn't want to know the future what they wanted was confirmation that they were on the right path and were making the right decisions. when seeking a reader, healer or practitioner look for those whose primary concern is your health and welfare. I would see people once a year. on rare occasions I would see them a second time. I was there not to live their lives but to give them enough information that when the time came to make a choice they were better able to make one that was best for them. to all that I have helped along the way know that you remain in my heart and that at this very moment I am sending you light and love.
you are a blessing from the universe whose divine destiny is to love and be loved.
years ago I gave up on life and lost faith in people. I got rid of everything and left town to die on the streets elsewhere. at that time since I no longer had anything to lose I took down all my walls. I believed I would die so all the fear, anxiety, anger... were tossed aside. since I no longer had restrictions that were self imposed I began to transform. I joined a few poets collectives, I had a local cable tv show, I wrote for a few magazines... all while living on the street. it was then that I began to make friends and open myself enough to let somebody in. today twenty years later I am still with that someone and we have an eight year old son. life is good and we are happy. to find hope all I needed to do was let go of the past and open myself to the future.
look in the mirror with eyes of spirit and you will see the glory and greatness of your true sacred self.
there is within each of us an angel with sacred healing powers who embraces us with love when with kindness and compassion we serve the greater good.
when our intention is to improve the quality of life for ourselves and others we create a natural flow of energy that connects us to the source.
MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One
Thursday, November 8, 2018
Let Us Build A World Where Kindness Prevails
let us build a world where kindness prevails and people live each moment in a compassionate way that cultivates love.
I am ready for change. I am ready for happiness. I am ready to live and love more fully. I am ready to nourish and nurture my whole being. I am ready for a miracle. I am ready.
every time we use our divine energies to nurture others we facilitate change and experience greater states of joy.
an alchemical transformational which brings us an abundance of positive possibilities and opportunities occurs when we plant seeds of healing, happiness and joy in the garden of our soul.
my inner child invited me in to play and I discovered those things that through struggle and strife I had lost in my own youth. they say you can't go back but I have and I retrieved those parts of me that were ignored, abused and hidden away. I am not as much reliving my childhood as realizing that it wasn't my fault and that I can still go out and play.
embrace your magnificence with self love and a divine determination to live an authentic life of empowering experiences that connect you to the earth, the universe and beyond.
I remember back before texting when people actually sat together, looked at each other and talked. I remember going outside and playing instead of staying inside and gaming. I remember when a smile and a hug were more than just emojis. I think today I will smile at someone, talk to a friend, play with my son and embrace my wife. those are the memories I choose to make.
I was rooting through the attic of my soul and discovered a box of bliss with the words beautiful sacred energy written on it which when opened infused my entire being with love, light and joyful aliveness.
nothing happened yesterday. it was a good day. sometimes its the lack of struggle that brings us the greatest joy. nobody is dead and nothing is broken. these are wonderful blessings. every now and then you just need a nothing day.
positive change comes when the happiness you desire leads you to a higher path where every step connects you to the ethereal essence of love.
in gratitude I move forward with spirit as my companion and together we honor our celestial heritage by shaping our reality with blessings and miracles.
a positive impactful life is one in which you manifest your desires in ways that breathe love into the world.
as a child love was a concept I didn't understand shared with me by people I felt no connection to. the alcoholism of my mother made shows of affection to be worthless and meaningless to me. I believed I would spend my life alone because I believed that true love didn't exist. it took forty years but then one day I met this woman and we had a conversation that turned into a lifetime of love. today we have a son and ours is a family of true love. I share this because I have risen from the ashes more than once in my life and I want you to know that is possible. I am sending you love, light and positive healing energy. bless you.
I didn't find my path I just discovered I was already on it and could change its direction at any time and go anywhere my heart and soul desired.
I awoke this morning to the darkness and opened the door to my soul and let the light in which enabled me to see with clarity the love that embraces my entire existence.
the darkest times of depression always begin with me ceasing to exist. instead of living life I simply spend each day killing time til sleep overcomes me. passion and purpose disappear and I am left floating in a hell of my own creation. these days I am aware of the approach of darkness and I make it my purpose to forge a path of light. it is still there but now I know that I am stronger and that I will survive. life became better for me when I stopped counting my blessings and stared creating them.
embrace each moment with a love that heals, nurtures and nourishes the mind, body, soul and spirit.
believe in beauty. believe in your beauty. you are a blessing whose essence is love. you are a sacred treasure whose presence inspires. I believe in beauty. I believe in your beauty. I believe in you.
MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One
Thursday, November 1, 2018
Come Forth In Freedom And Shine Your Light
you are a blessed being of spirit. come forth in freedom and shine your light that all may see and experience your sacred beauty and divine love.
goodness, grace, glory and greatness are the tools I use to shape my life into something divinely positive that radiates pure love.
I was walking the streets where spirit resides in search of greater goodness when I saw my reflection in a puddle of water and realized that what I was looking for I already had inside of me. so I set it free and watched as it embraced all aspects of my life with light and love.
I remember the day decades ago when I was living on the street where I literally gave my last dime and the shirt off my back to someone. just because you are down doesn't mean you can't hold your head high.
bring about change by living beyond your boundaries for it is by removing obstacles that we begin to walk a path of light where good things happen.
I am uplifted and renewed every time my son smiles, laughs, sings a song, dances and says I love you dad, you are the best dad ever.
I know you are hurting. I hurt too. I know you are struggling. I struggle too. I know you are suffering. I suffer too. I know you are beautiful. I am beautiful too. I know you are strong. I am strong too. I know you are loving. I am loving too. we are not alone. there are others like us. together we can help each other and make this a better world. I know you are a miracle for I am a miracle too.
my spirit sings a song of harmony that puts a smile on the heart of my true sacred self which inspires, encourages and empowers me to live a better life and be a better man.
sometimes my life purpose is impeded by depression and it is during those times that I embrace positive thoughts and beliefs for they provide me deeper understanding of the darkness which helps me rise from the ashes and transform my life.
create with compassion a path of heart centered service and yours will be a life brimming with beauty that inspires greater happiness.
I seek celestial solutions when I am feeling down for I have realized that there are within me heavenly blessings waiting to guide me to wholeness and happiness.
deep compassion for others is a beautiful blessing that inspires a sense of wellbeing which connects us to the soul and spirit of sacred Mother Earth.
I found that I was more relaxed and could breathe easier yesterday when it dawned upon me that I hadn't watched or read any news all day.
whenever I seek to uplift and heal others I uncover parts of my true self which show me the blessings and miracles already present in my life.
with every act of kindness we create something beautiful that inspires others to manifest their own miracles through acts of love.
you are a miraculous, marvelous, magnificent being of sacred beauty whose heart and soul are filled with light and love.
I am encouraged and empowered by simple acts of kindness from those beautiful caring beings who share their blessings while seeking nothing in return.
free is the soul who recognizes its own beauty and with kindness and compassion shines its light on every person they meet.
MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One
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