Thursday, November 22, 2018

Kindness Is Good For You

caring compassionate thoughts and the realization that kindness is good for you are but two blessings that you can bestow upon yourself which will inspire miraculous transformations.

the pain I feel inside is a lesson of truth that inspires me to explore the souls anatomy so that I may discover how to help and heal myself.

throughout my day are moments of madness which darken my journey and attack my soul. it is when these moments occur that I awaken the light within so that I may see that my blessings far outnumber my problems.

may yours be an enchanting rainbow dance in kinship with all of life where you treat your soul and senses to the love that is your birthright.

I wear my love with grace and dignity for I know in my heart that I am a divine messenger of light whose purpose is to change lives one soul at a time.

at the core of your being is a reservoir of pure natural joy which unfolds along your path when you are kind to the earth and its inhabitants.

love, laughter and happiness were things I denied myself the first forty years of my life. it got so bad at one point that I gave up on humanity and took to the streets with the intention of ending it all. however life wasn't ready to let me go yet and pulled me from the brink of disaster. it was then that I began to slowly open those parts of me that I had hidden away from the world. it was then that I began to let others in. it was then that I found love. be sure if you are suffering not let that suffering instill in you a fear that denies you the joy you deserve. I am sending you love, light and positive healing energy.

saturate your mind, body and soul with the light of spirit and you will evolve to a pure state of divinity that embraces each moment with beauty, brilliance and bliss.

the soul sings a song of self love and liberation when we reach into the sunshine of our existence to touch the heart of all that is sacred.

I wept with joy the day I discovered that I had the power to not only change my life but to help others change theirs.

I always knew even in the darkest days of my depression that I deserved more joy and that I was worthy of love. It was those beliefs that kept me alive long enough to experience the blessings that would transform my life.

love heals the heart and fills our life with pure positive energy that awakens our humanity while guiding us to the destiny we desire.

I followed my spirit yesterday who led me to my soul who then guided me to my inner child who brought me home to me and together we all played in the yard while the heavens shined a light on our divine beauty.

pain and suffering has taught me to appreciate those little things in life that bring a smile to my soul for it is the simple blessings that we experience along our path that give us the greatest pleasure.

give love to others and you will feel within you the miracle of who you are embracing your spirit and caressing your soul.

I was out for a walk with compassion and kindness when we happened upon love and light which motivated us all to share our blessings and shine our light on the world.

awareness of our thoughts helps us remove negative ones which enables us to see our life with greater clarity while filling it with more positive thoughts, actions and intentions.

take a grand leap of faith and you will bring into your life a light that shines beautifully on those sacred attributes that make you miraculous.

my journey through darkness and depression taught me that my brain processes information differently which motivated me to seek out ways to live my life that worked best for my mental health.

may yours be a heart centered path of soulful positive purpose that embraces the spiritual world with loving acts of kindness and compassion.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

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