Thursday, November 15, 2018

Pure Sacred Energy

I find an honest genuine smile to be an extraordinary gift whose loving purpose elevates the soul with pure sacred energy.

for many years I found comfort in the knowledge that hope was on the horizon and then one day I realized that I needed something more so I ventured out to the horizon and invited hope home.

the darkness within me is infinite yet I have hope for the light within me is eternal.

we each have our own special angels that watch over us and help us to shape our divine evolution in ways that open our spiritual heart and awaken our sacred light.

a heart centered life is a blessing we bestow upon the world that fills it with a love that is mystical, magical, metaphysical and miraculous.

awaken your blessings and use them to weave a life of miracles where the soul blossoms as you bathe in the beautiful waters of spirit.

words can help. I have my entire life released words into the universe which have touched lives in positive ways. every day I hear from people who let me know that what I have shared has helped them through a difficult time. so venture out on this day with the intention of sharing a kind word, words can heal.

we are a world in desperate need of inspiration which we can provide by nurturing the sacred in ways that help others heal.

extraordinary efforts create extraordinary experiences that manifest extraordinary outcomes which make life extraordinary.

compassion is profoundly empowering. when we show others love and kindness we strengthen our lives with a divine energy that ignites the soul and spirit.

I know are you are struggling. I believe in the strength of your soul. I know you are hurting. I believe in the power of your spirit. I know you are suffering. I believe in the love of your sacredness. I know you you are a survivor because I believe in you.

positive spiritual thoughts, actions and intentions are an empowering force that connect us to the heavens in harmonious ways.

as a psychic, healer, spiritual consultant and shaman I have had countless people come to me and ask me questions that they already knew the answer to. they didn't want to know the future what they wanted was confirmation that they were on the right path and were making the right decisions. when seeking a reader, healer or practitioner look for those whose primary concern is your health and welfare. I would see people once a year. on rare occasions I would see them a second time. I was there not to live their lives but to give them enough information that when the time came to make a choice they were better able to make one that was best for them. to all that I have helped along the way know that you remain in my heart and that at this very moment I am sending you light and love.

you are a blessing from the universe whose divine destiny is to love and be loved.

years ago I gave up on life and lost faith in people. I got rid of everything and left town to die on the streets elsewhere. at that time since I no longer had anything to lose I took down all my walls. I believed I would die so all the fear, anxiety, anger... were tossed aside. since I no longer had restrictions that were self imposed I began to transform. I joined a few poets collectives, I had a local cable tv show, I wrote for a few magazines... all while living on the street. it was then that I began to make friends and open myself enough to let somebody in. today twenty years later I am still with that someone and we have an eight year old son. life is good and we are happy. to find hope all I needed to do was let go of the past and open myself to the future.

look in the mirror with eyes of spirit and you will see the glory and greatness of your true sacred self.

there is within each of us an angel with sacred healing powers who embraces us with love when with kindness and compassion we serve the greater good.

when our intention is to improve the quality of life for ourselves and others we create a natural flow of energy that connects us to the source.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

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