Thursday, November 29, 2018

Enhance Your Experience Of Being Alive

when we live our greatest good we achieve a higher state of awareness which changes our state of being and enhances our experience of being alive.

open the heart fully and experience the beauty of its blessings by sharing its positive loving power.

we are brothers and sisters of light and when we live and love as family ours becomes a positive inspiring environment in which we all benefit beautifully.

do those small simple things that bring you happiness and the power of their life affirming energy will enhance and enrich your sacred journey.

to empower others awaken the spirit within yourself by loving who you are and then sharing that love with the world.

I walk my path with pure intention, positive expectations and a sincere desire to fill the world with light and love.

you are a miraculous masterpiece of divine artistic beauty whose radiant essence blesses the world in metaphysically meaningful ways which embrace the heart and soul of humanity.

it is my hope that by living in service to the light I can help awaken humanity to the reality that it is through kindness and compassion that we create a better world.

take a deep breath of happiness and you will feel the positive energy of your sacredness flowing through every cell guiding you to make positive life affirming choices.

we feel the love of the universe within and around us when we use our blessings to help others discover theirs.

mine is an ethereal journey through pathways of peace, fields of positive energy and landscapes of love for I know that every step I take is on sacred ground.

each morning when I get up I speak to the soul who explains to me my worth to others and my value to the world. each night when I go to bed I speak to the spirit who explains to me my purpose in life and my place in the universe.

you have within you great natural forces of sacred beauty which when released into the world create self growth, healing and positive lasting change.

good intentions are blessings that open the heart to hope, healing and transformation.

acts of kindness evoke the sacred which embraces life with heavenly vibrations that elevate us into the light.

there are cosmic forces at play every day and the more connected you are to spirit the better able you will be to avail yourself of their services.

I have left my footprints in the wind as i travel a path of conscious intent. The womb of nature has caressed my spirit and inspired me to facilitate positive change as i seek to advance human understanding. I walk a rainbow trail where i embrace the world with love . Mine is a passionate vision nurtured by Mother Earth . Through exploration and expression i seek to enhance the flow of positive energy for my fellow spiritual travelers. The simplicity of the soul is enchanting and endearing , it generates peace and love and inspires me to embrace the infinite life force while being a catalyst for conscious evolution.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

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