Thursday, February 25, 2021

Wholeness of Mind and Spirit


with wholeness of mind and spirit as my inspiration I make the choice each day to create within my home and heart a beautifully organic atmosphere of love that emotionally and spiritually embraces our family with a pure positive energy that is sacred and serene.

I adapt to the challenges of this world by adopting new beliefs that make me adept at connecting spiritually to the adventures of life

there is a smile on the face of my soul that lights my life with love every time I venture out into the world with my highest and greatest selves as my companions.

the more meaningful the relationship you have with yourself is the more beauty, bliss and blessings you bring into the world.

the true glory of life embraces our journey with love when we step into the light of a brand new day with the intention of sharing our gifts, blessings, hopes, dreams, joys and happiness with the world.

I like to read by the pure light of my soul as doing so makes the words sing while improving the quality of my thoughts.

I think that on this day I will say I love you as much as possible. it will be my greeting, it will be my mantra and it will be my gift to the world. I Love You!

sing with me a song of harmony where spirit and soul dance in celebration of all the things that make life blessed and beautiful.

I was seeking a better tomorrow when yesterday showed up to remind me of what I had overcome and it was at that moment today joined us and we were embraced by the beauty of the morning sun which enabled me to see tomorrow in the light of a brand new day welcoming me into a bright future of my own making.

I met purpose and meaning for coffee one morning and we discussed things I could do to enrich my life and connect with the sacred. I am having lunch with inspiration and intention this afternoon.

a good laugh can help us to purge. a sincere smile can help us to release. a loving touch can help us to transform. its simple sacred gestures of common goodness that bring us joy and happiness.

while falling awake one night I felt an omnipresent love growing and expanding within which gave me a sense of peace that calmed my heart and filled me with moments of revelation which lifted me toward my divine destiny.

I find that when my thoughts, intentions and actions are heart centered I am able to walk a path of love and kindness which activates my higher self thereby allowing me to focus on my dreams, desires and destiny.

sing a personal soul song in tune with nature and Mother Earth will nurture, heal and nourish in ways that leave you in a harmonious state of divine happiness.

we have within the core of our being a humanitarian spirit that speaks a language of love. dreams become a reality when we embrace that spirit and begin to live a life of deep peace, passion and purpose which gloriously illuminates the beauty of who we are.

inner truth has a genuine love that flows freely and naturally into our lives when we live authentically with the intention of being who we are not who others want us to be.

when life gets to be far too much to handle I hear a divine whisper penetrating my personal space with words of healing beauty that stimulate the soul, embrace the heart and free the mind.

I was playing with my spiritual self in my souls garden when with warmth and passion we decided to invite my heart over to sow seeds of grace, glory, greatness and good fortune.

MicHEAL Teal
The Ancient One

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